Page 8 - Bernardon Proposal-Harmony Biosciences
P. 8

                     Bernardon proposes to provide the Basic Services outlined above as noted below:

                     Phase One: Pre-Design/Program/Block Plan (Lump Sum)                          $6,800.00

                     Phase Two-A: Test-Fit Planning                                        $0.10-$0.12/RSF
                     Bernardon shall contract directly with the landlord(s) for all Test-Fit
                     Planning.  Estimated fee is per building and plan.

                     Phase Two-B:  Schematic Design and Design Development (Lump Sum)             $9,650.00

                     Phase Three:  Documentation                                                  $1.95/RSF

                   Optional and Additional Services can be performed for a mutually agreed upon fixed fee or on an
                   hourly basis based on our hourly rates as described in the enclosed Terms and Conditions of Agreement
                   for Professional Services of Bernardon (Terms and Conditions) which are a part of this proposal. .

                   Reimbursable expenses (such as permits, renderings, prints, reproducible, additional consultants, UPS,
                   travel and car share, etc.) will be invoiced based upon actual costs expended times a multiplier of 1.10.
                   Travel will be charged in accordance with the standard IRS mileage rate. Reimbursable allowance to be
                   capped at $500.00 per suite.

                   Accepted by:
                   Please indicate your acceptance of this proposal by signing and returning one copy of this letter to our office.

                   (printed name and title) Authorized Agent on behalf of Harmony Biosciences, LLC

                   (signature)                                                             (date)

               BERNARDON | Proposal for Professional Design Services                                       Page 6
               Harmony Biosciences, LLC – Interior Fit-Out | March 24, 2022
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