Page 6 - Bernardon Proposal-Harmony Biosciences
P. 6

                  ■ Assist NMRK with issue of pricing documents.    Optional Hourly Services
                  We assume there will be an approved short list
                  of contractors for obtaining cost estimates.      Construction Administration
                                                                    Our  scope  of  services  during  construction  can
                                                                    vary depending upon the contractor selected
               Phase Three:  Documentation                          and construction delivery process.  Services may
               Once the project budget and design development       include:
               are approved, we will perform the following services
               for preparing permit documents.                        ■ Respond via addenda during the bidding
                                                                      period to questions regarding the documents
                  ■ Review and adjust the documents based upon        and design intent.
                  feedback and budget considerations.                 ■ Receive bids and formulate bid tabulation.
                  ■ Finalize the following documents for permit:      ■ Attendance at construction progress meetings
                  •  Cover sheet;                                     to observe the progress of the work and to
                  •  Code plan;                                       answer questions.
                  •  Demolition plan, if necessary;                   ■ We anticipate a three-month construction
                  •  Architectural plan;                              period for the purposes of this proposal. Three
                  •  Reflected ceiling plan;                          (3) interior design site visits are included.
                  •  Finish plan and specifications;                  ■ Review shop drawings and submittals for
                  •  Door schedules and hardware;                     materials included as part of our scope.
                  •  Details, elevations, sections, and enlarged      ■ Answer Requests for Information (RFIs) via
                    details, if necessary and                         written or graphic means.
                  •  Specifications in the form of an abbreviated     ■ Serve  as  vendor  liaison  coordinating  the
                    sheet format.                                     construction schedule, furniture delivery, and
                  ■ Review meeting is included for sign-off  and      installation.
                                                                    Building Assessment & Building Design Due
                 Additional Comments and Clarifications             Diligence (BA&BDDDD)
                 We assume Harmony Biosciences will be receiving    If our services are needed to assist NMRK with a
                 a tenant allowance from the landlord that would    building assessment or preparing a due diligence
                 be applied towards our fees as outlined in Phase   report, we would propose performing services on
                 Two-B and Phase Three.                             an hourly basis, unless there is a defined scope of

               BERNARDON | Proposal for Professional Design Services                                       Page 4
               Harmony Biosciences, LLC – Interior Fit-Out | March 24, 2022
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