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P. 74
UCU GS Research Journal
This study attempted to determine the parental provisions of kindergarten education in
the Division of Urdaneta City, SY 2015-2016.
Specifically, this study determined the level of parental provisions in kindergarten
education. In so doing, this study looked into 1) the profile of the respondents’ with respects to
age, sex, number of children, educational attainment of parents, occupation and family monthly
income 2) the level of parental provisions in kindergarten education 3) the significant difference
between the respondents’ level of parental provisions in kindergarten education across their
profile variables and 4) the significant relationship between the respondents’ level of parental
provisions in kindergarten education.
Based on the analysis and interpretation of data, the following salient findings were
brought forth 1) the respondent parents belong to age bracket 36-40 that is 28.3 percent have
two children in the family that is 45 or 28.8 percent, both parents are high school graduates
that is 65 or 41.7 percent and 71 or 45.5 percent respectively and non-professional 2) the
level of parental provisions in kindergarten education obtained a grand overall weighted mean
of 4.66 denoting a transmuted rating of “Highly Provided” 3) the level of parental provisions
in kindergarten education is found to be significant at .05 level 4) there are no relationships
between the respondents’ level of parental provisions in kindergarten education and their profile
Based on the salient findings the following conclusions were drawn: 1) the respondent
parents have inadequate educational background that made them tend to non-professional jobs
2) the parental provisions of respondent parents in kindergarten education is very remarkable
and should be sustained 3) the respondent parents are comparable in their level of parental
provisions in kindergarten education 4) the respondent parents profile variables do not affect
their level of parental provisions in kindergarten education 5) parents who are young are active
and aggressive in providing the educational needs of their children in the school.
On the basis of the findings and conclusions yielded in the study, the following
recommendations are hereby forwarded 1) the remarkable parental provisions of the respondent
parents in kindergarten education should be sustained 2) the respondent parents who are passive
and complacent in providing the educational needs of their children should be encouraged to give
their full support in the education of their children 3) a more carefully selected variables should
further be identified specifically those strong indicators of parental provisions in kindergarten
education 4) further studies should be conducted to determine the level of parental provision in
kindergarten education using a wider scope.