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GS Research Journal
This study aimed to determine the extent of the functional operations of the
organizational structure of Villasis Water District. Specifically, it determined the following:
(1) employee-respondent’s profile in terms of age, sex, civil status, length of service, highest
educational attainment, current position and designation and nature of work; (2) the extent of
the functional operations of the organizational structure of Villasis Water District as to the line of
authority, delineation of functions and performance of functions;(3) the degree of seriousness of
the problems encountered by the respondents on the present organizational structure of Villasis
Water District along line of authority, delineation of functions and performance of functions; (4)
significant relationship between the extent of functional operations and problems encountered
on the present organizational structure of Villasis Water District; (5) significant difference in the
perceptions of the respondents on the present organizational structure of Villasis Water District
across their profile variables; and (6) alternative organizational structure that can be proposed
to minimize problems in the Villasis Water District operations.
The descriptive method of research was used in this study using a validated questionnaire
as the main data gathering instrument. A total of 39 employees were considered which includes
regular and job orders as the respondents of this study. Analyses of the data gathered utilized
the statistical tools specifically, percentage, frequency count, weighted mean, Pearson-r formula,
Analysis of Variance and t-tests.
The present study found out the following,(1) Most of the respondents are middle-aged
rank and file employees, male field workers, academically prepared, married and in the service
for less than 5 years. (2) The organizational structure of Villasis Water District is operationally
working but needs improvements to ensure a more efficient and effective organization. (3)
Addressing the moderately serious problems encountered in the present organizational structure
of the Villasis Water District could further enhance its services.(4)The problems encountered do
not deter the functionality of the present organizational structure of Villasis Water District. (5)
The profile variables are not sources of variation in the perceptions of the respondents on the
present organizational structure of the Villasis Water District. (6) An alternative organizational
structure can further address problems and complexity of the present structure through
the proper implementation of the new operational policies and procedures in the District in
accordance with the Revised Local Water District Manual on Categorization, Re-categorization
and Other Related Matter (LWD-MaCRO).
As a result of the findings drawn from the study, the following are highly recommended:
(1) The Management should exert more efforts in hiring more qualified applicants in the Water
District to be more efficient and effective along functional operations of the organization.
(2) A clearer work flow should be designed taking into consideration the functions of each