Page 97 - GS_Journal_2015
P. 97

Urdaneta City University

       opportunity for better service and client satisfaction. 3) The seriousness of problems encountered
       affects the sustainability of the technological capability of the bank.
              Taking  into  account  the  findings  and  conclusions  of  this  study,  the  following
       recommendations are forwarded: 1) Management should strive to entice its workers to maintain
       loyalty  to  the  bank  by  introducing  a  career  development  plan,  offering  attractive  benefits
       and  maintaining  a  conducive  working  environment.  2)  Management  should  invest  in  more
       technological infrastructure in order to sustain its capability in providing fast, efficient, reliable
       and  accessible  services  to  its  customers.  3)  Networking  with  other  service  providers  would
       ensure a continuous interconnectivity that would redound to the benefit of the bank and its
       customers. 4) The adoption of the Proposed Intervention Measures would greatly contribute to
       the sustainability of the technological capability of the bank.

                                 HERNIELYN D. RABAJA

              This study was conducted to assess the work performance of employees of the micro-
       finance sector in Urdaneta City.  It specifically sought to determine the demographic profile of
       the respondents in terms of age, sex, educational attainment, status of employment and monthly
       income.  It likewise intended to determine the work performance of the employees along areas
       of  attendance  and  punctuality;  communication,  human  relationship  skills,  customer  service,
       resourcefulness/sales skills; planning and organization and teamwork, and eventually know if
       there are significant relationship and differences on the work performances of the respondents
       and  their  variable  profiles.  The  research  employed  the  descriptive  survey  method  through
       the use of questionnaire. The study reveals that out of the 80 samples respondents, majority
       (37.5%) are in the age bracket of 26-30 years old;  males (76.25%), college graduates (85%)
       permanent employees (72.5%) and  have monthly income of P10,000.00 and below (71.25%).
       As to the level of work performance,  along attendance and punctuality, communications, human
       relationship skills, customer service, resourcefulness/sales skills, planning and organization, and
       teamwork were displayed an overall weighted mean of “A” . There are significant differences on
       all work performances of the employees across age , but no significant differences across sex;
       there are significant differences on Attendance and Punctuality, Communication and Teamwork
       across highest educational attainment; no significant differences of Attendance and Punctuality,
       Communication, Customer Service and Resourcefulness/sales skills across Employment Status
       but  no  significant  differences  along  Punctuality,  Communication,  Human  Relations  Skills  and
       Resourcefulness across monthly income. There are no significant relationships between work
       performance  of  the  employees  on  resourcefulness/sales  skills;  planning  and  organization
       and teamwork and age, educational attainment status of employment and monthly income.
       Likewise, there are no significant relationship between work performance. There is no significant
       relationship between  allwork performances of the respondent employees across variable profiles.

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