Page 94 - GS_Journal_2015
P. 94
GS Research Journal
ascertain whether there is a significant relationship between the actual and perceived compliance
to the disclosure requirements with PFRS for SMEs.
The findings revealed the following: First, the companies sampled have a moderate
compliance to the disclosure requirements of the PFRS for SMEs. Second, the respondents
have a high perception of compliance to the disclosure requirements of the PFRS for SMEs.
Third, there is a positive association but statistically insignificant relationship between the actual
compliance to the disclosure requirements of the PFRS for SMEs and the companies’ industry
type, size, profitability and leverage. Fourth, there is a weak, positive significant relationship
between the perceived and actual compliance of the sampled companies to the disclosure
requirements of the PFRS for SMEs.
The researcher therefore concludes that the management is willing to unveil any
quantitative and qualitative financial information shown on the face of the financial statements
and its notes to financial statements irrespective of the results of operation.
It is recommended that with the ever-growing diversification, audit shall continue
to adapt itself to become attuned with the needs of each sector; the FRSC may recommend
revisions or even provide a new standard with respect to reporting standards that would cater to
the needs of business entitles; professional organizations like the Philippine Institute of Certified
Public Accountants (PICPA) and the National Association of CPAs in Education (ACPAE) should
be encouraged to continually offer seminars and workshops to accounting professionals that
will update them and orient them on then proper interpretation of the new standards that are
applied in preparing the financial statements.
The thesis aims to identify the factors on consumers’ buying decision. The scope of the
study is based on the profiles of consumers’ respondents who have been using either products or
services. This study is quantitative research, using a structured questionnaire to collect the data
from 60 consumers who have been using either products or services. The researcher analyzes
data variables using percentages, frequencies, means, Pearson R and ANOVA to test hypothesis
and answer the research questions. The study indentified independent variables including
factors (age, gender, education background and monthly income. The dependent variable is the
consumers’ purchasing decision across information attainment, price comparison, uniqueness
seeking, convenience seeking. The result reveals that the majority of the respondents are aged
38 years old and above, females, singles; college graduates and receives income both from
business and employment. Test results reveal that there is no statistically significant relationship
between the resp0ondents’ profile variables and the consumers’ buying decisions. Likewise, there
is no significant difference between the tested respondents’ profile variables and the consumers
buying decisions. According to the result, it can be summarized that the demographic factors