Page 91 - GS_Journal_2015
P. 91
Urdaneta City University
attended by the respondents, the higher their level of knowledge on health care reforms trainings
attended by the respondents, the higher their level of knowledge on health care reform.
Based on the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are offered; being young in
the service, the respondents must pursue higher level of learning to increase their knowledge
to know more on other health care reforms of the country. The respondent must be updated
on the trends in nursing practice for them to be abreast with the innovations in the nursing
profession. The more the nurses are aware of the programs, then the more they can participate
and consider for their future involvement. Nurses assigned in the private rooms should be
comparable to other nurses by undergoing updates or seminars related to their profession.
Nurses must continue to be aware on nurse entrepreneurship by taking the initiative to know
what is all about the health care reforms.
This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of nursing care to intensive care unit
clients. It specifically sought to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex,
civil status, position, highest educational attainment, and length of service assigned in the
ICU department, the significant influence of the ICU nurses extent of practice of nursing care
rendered to the watchers satisfaction along with bedside care and medication administration and
referral system, the programs or trainings which can be propose to enhance the care rendered
by the ICU nurses to their clients.
The findings of the study are as follows; 1) as to the profile of the respondents in terms
of age, the study indicates that most of the respondents are in the early adult to adult years. 2)
On the profile in terms of sex, there is a domain of female nurses and also female watchers. 3)
On the profile in terms of civil status, majority of the nurses are single while on the other hand,
most of the watchers are married. 4) On the profile in terms of educational attainment, Nurses
at least have a Bachelors Degree and watchers are College graduates. 5) On the profile of nurses
according to their length of service in the ICU, majority is working for 1 year and most of them
are contractual nurses. Watchers of the confined patients are mostly their mothers. In terms
of extent of practice of nursing care rendered along with bed side care has a grand weighted
mean of 4.62 and fall under the interpretation “Highly practiced”. When it comes to the extent
of rendering care along with medication administration has a grand weighted mean of 4.72 that
also falls under “Highly practiced”. Last, in terms of referral system, it has a grand weighted
mean of 4.45. The result reveals that the nurse respondents are highly practicing the standards
and protocols to effectively render quality nursing care along with the three factors as stated
earlier. As a whole, results imply that the respondents perceive and manifest an ideal level of
fulfillment, satisfaction in performing their duties to effectively render nursing care to Intensive
Care Unit clients.