Page 86 - GS_Journal_2015
P. 86

GS Research Journal

                                 MANAOAG COMMUNITY HOSPITAL
                                        CATHERINE P. NITOR

                    This study aimed to determine the relative effects of alternative medicine in managing
             stress.  Specially,  it  dealt  on  the  profile  of  the  respondents  in  terms  of  their  age,  sex,  civil
             status, educational attainment and religion; the level of stress experienced by the respondents;
             the extents of use of alternative medicine used by the respondents in managing their stress
             along massage, aromatherapy, meditation, acupuncture and acupressure; the level of relative
             effects of alternative medicine in managing stress, the significant difference between the level of
             relative effects of alternative medicine used by the respondents and their profile variables; the
             significant relationship between the level of relative effects of alternative medicine used by the
             respondents and their profile variables.
                    The  results  of  the  study  showed  that  there  is  a  significant  difference  between  the
             level of relative effects of alternative medicine in managing stress along highest educational
             attainment and religion. However, age, sex and civil status are revealed no significant difference
             is associated in level of relative effects of alternative medicine in managing their stress.
                    Similarly, no significant relationship between the level of relative effects of alternative
             medicine along age, sex, and civil status but revealed there is a significant relationship on their
             profile variable highest educational attainment and religion.

                                          AERON N. PAGAL

                    This study assessed the physical fitness as perceived by the health care providers in
             some municipalities of the 6th district of Pangasinan as it sought answers on: 1) The profile of
             the respondents in terms of their age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, position,
             length of service and physical fitness undertaken; 2) The effects of physical fitness as perceived
             by the health care providers along Physical, Mental/emotional and Social aspects; 3) On the
             significant difference in the effects of physical fitness of health care providers across their profile
             variables; and 4) On the significant relationship between the effects of the physical fitness of
             health care providers and their profile variable.
                    The  study  revealed  that  1)  Majority  of  the  respondents  were  female,  in  the  age
             bracket of 21 – 25 years old, married; Bachelors’ degree holder, with 1 – 3 years in service and
             undertake brisk walking as their physical fitness activity; 2) The health care providers of some
             municipalities in the 6th district of Pangasinan were of the combined perception that the effect of
             the physical fitness is highly effective along their physical, mental/emotional, and social aspect;
             3) The respondents relatively differ in their perceptions on the effects of physical fitness across
             their profile variables. The perceptions of the health care providers on the effect of physical

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