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The ENFUSE- Student Chapter VIT Chennai, established in the year 2013, in
collaboration with the Energy and Fuel Users Association of India, began the new
term with the inauguration of its seventh batch on 28th of September this year at
VIT University, Chennai Campus. Professor and Dean of School of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering (SELECT, VITCC), Dr. A. Peer Fathima, who is also the
faculty co-ordinator of ENFUSE - VITCC Student Chapter delivered the welcome
address and greeted the gathering. The Chief Guests, Mr.S. Ramalingam,
President of ENFUSE, Emeritus Chairman of Chennai Petroleum Corporation
Limited( CPCL) and Er. Jeyaram, Environmental Expert and Chief Executive, Six
Elements Environmental Consulting, Chennai gave a lecture on “Energy
Management – Emerging Challenges and Environmental Awareness”. The guests
were welcomed by the student secretaries Ms. M. Abirami, III Year (EEE) and S.
Harish, II year (MECH) The organisation emphasizes on the use of Renewable
Energy , as well as to increase its efficiency and to reduce the dependence on Oil
and Gas that cause environmental degradation. The objectives of the chapter also
include creating awareness among the students about fuel and energy
conservation, benefits of renewable energy and sustainable development.
For the year 2019, 101 students of VIT Chennai, mainly from SELECT and SMBS
were registered as ENFUSE Members. There was a huge turnout for the
inauguration event. Prizes for the Quiz Program held earlier were given to all the
winners and the members were given their membership cards by the President of
ENFUSE himself. The newly elected office bearers, selected after thorough
screening and interviews, were introduced to all the members present. The event
concluded successfully with a vote of thanks given by Student Secretary Ms. V.
Jayasree , III Year (EEE).