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          An interesting Workshop on "Design and
          Benchmark of Power Converters" with Power
          Forge was conducted on 2/8/19 by the faculty of
          SELECT for the students to understand the
          present day trends in the field of power systems.
          It was a one day hands on workshop organized
          by Mr. Sampath Kumar and Mr. Viswanath from
          Power System Solutions. The one day hands on
          workshop was based on PSIM, Power Electronics,
          Power Forge Software. In addition, a demo and
          hands on was also provided on medium voltage

                                                   A two day Workshop on "Brainwave Robotics"
                                                   was held from 9.8.19 to 10.8.19. It is organized
                                                   by Dr Krithiga S and Prof. Angalaeswari S,
                                                   SELECT, VIT, Chennai . The workshop was focused
                                                   on Brainwave Robotics. Training kits were
                                                   provided to the participants and hands on
                                                   training on various projects related to robotics
                                                   were given. The topics that were discussed were
                                                   Introduction    to    Robotics,    Arduino    and
                                                   Programming           fundamentals,           EEG
                                                   (Electroencephalography),    Brainwaves    &    its
                                                   types, development and testing on Arduino
                                                   board    and   Robot    assembling    were    also
                                                   discussed. Some of the projects discussed are
                                                   listed as follows: LED program, Blink Program,
                                                   Voice controlled Robot, Designing own Android
                                                   App for controlling Robot, Blink controlled Robot,
                                                   Mind controlled Robot. Finally competition was
                                                   conducted and the two winner teams are
                                                   selected for participation in Technex’20, annual
                                                   techno - management festival of IIT, Varanasi.
                                                   Moreover a demo and hands on was also
                                                   provided on medium voltage drive.
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