P. 10
• A distinguished lecture program titled “Recent
Trends in Power System Protection” was
delivered by Mr. D. Subramaniyam, Engineer,
Entergy Solutions, USA on 10/7/19. The lecture
was based on how the application of the
adaptive wide area disturbance protection
concept is becoming more feasible for
communication and computer technology.
Moreover the lecture also focused on
protection and control concepts.
A noteworthy lecture titled “Recent Trends in
Microgrids” was delivered by Mr.A.Robinson
Jeyaraj, Senior Engineer Power Projects India,
Chennai on 31/7/19. The guest speaker had a
hands on experience in various national and
international projects adhering to IS and IEC
standards. He shared his expertise in sizing
various power system equipment,
advantages of using different software
packages like ETAP, Digsilent power factory
and PSSE for power system analysis. An
overview of HOMER software and its salient
features were demonstrated lively to the
Dr. Arun Tangirala from IIT Madras delivered a
lecture on “Importance and Application of
Mathematics in Engineering” on 18/7/19. The
lecture clearly elucidated to the students on
how natural forces and mathematical analysis
are juxtaposed for the benefit of people. The
lecture also delineated the importance and
aggregation of Mathematics with respect to
engineering and modern day industrial trends.