P. 7
The fresher’s induction programme, The session was further continued with
conducted by the School of Electrical a “Technical Talk” on Control and
Engineering, commenced on the 16 of Automation by Dr. J. L Febin Daya and
July and extended up to the 19 of the later on a session on “Explore
same month. A series of activities were Engineering” by Prof. P. Sasipriya.
organised by the faculty in order to .Throughout the entire event technical
equip the students with the basic officers Mr. Raja and Mr. Venkatesan
knowledge of the courses that would helped in the administration of the
be offered to them in the upcoming event.
years. The program is Co-ordinated by
Dr. Chendur Kumaran. R and Dr. G. Day 2 – 17 July’ 2019, Wednesday
Angeline Ezhilarasi. The students of first year were
Day 1 – 16 July’ 2019, Tuesday segregated into four batches for
Self-introduction by students and Explore Engineering sessions on
faculty was administered by Dr. O. V. ‘Measure and Visualize’ and ‘Stimulate
Gnana Swathika. Following which, the and Analyse’ . They were instructed by
Dean School of Electrical Engineering, Dr. Binu Ben Jose, Dr. Sri Revathi. B
Dr. A Peer Fathima immaculately and Dr. S. Krithiga. The sessions were
delivered the inaugural speech. The formulated to introduce the students
morning session came to an end after a to the equipments and software that
“Technical Talk” on power systems by they would have to deal with in the
Dr. S. Hemamalini. The students were future.
then sent to take the ‘’English
Proficiency Test” .