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         Day 3 - 18 July’ 2019, Thursday                 Day 4 - 19 July’ 2019, Thursday
         The third day of SELECT's Freshers              On the last day of SELECT's Freshers
         Induction Programme began with a                Induction Programme,         the students
         “Technical Talk” on Power Electronics           were     enthralled    by    the    Alumni

         by Dr. V. T. Sreedevi followed by the           Members Interaction Session. Four
         Placement Interaction Session with              Alumni from the 2013 – 2017 batch
         Prof. V. Anantha Krishnan, Assistant            namely Mr. Mudit, Mayank, Susheel
         Director - Placements. In succession, a         and Sarthak were invited to interact
         motivational       expert     lecture     on    with the students, to share their
         "Mathematics       for   Engineers"      was    experience about their college life and
         delivered by Dr Arun Tangirala, IIT             to give some valuable advice to the
         Madras to enlighten students about              budding engineers. This was followed
         the      importance         of      learning    by a very interesting “Technical Talk”
         Mathematics and its correlation with            by Dr N. C. Lenin on Electrical
         the     Engineering      Discipline.     The    Machines and Drives. A final session

         afternoon session commenced with                namely “Know Your Curriculum” was
         the "Explore Engineering" Session on            done by the HOD, Dr R. Chendur
         "Touch, Feel and Learn Components"              Kumaran, in which the curriculum
         by Dr. S. Jayapragash, in which                 framework was explained to the
         different    electrical   and     electronic    students      to    make      them      feel
         components were introduced to the               comfortable      about     the    academic
         students. The day was concluded with            structure. The induction programme
         a fun open quiz at the end of the               was concluded with a Yoga Session at
         session.                                        the Main Induction Venue.

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