P. 11
A seminar based on “Grid Integration of
Renewable Energy Sources - Challenges and
Possible Solutions” was presented by Mr. S.
Selvakumar, Project Lead Engineer, ABB, Chennai,
Dr. S. Hemamalini, Professor, SELECT, VIT Chennai,
Dr. Binu Ben Jose, Associate Professor, SELECT, VIT
Chennai and Dr. Vijayakumar Krishnasamy,
Assistant Professor, IIITDM, Kancheepuram
on 27/7/19. The topics of discussion in the
seminar were renewable energy penetration and
its contribution in grid connected systems, power
quality analysis of grid integrated solar PV systems
and the various topologies used for grid
connected PV systems and its performance.
Various topologies of grid connected wind driven
induction generators was also discussed.
A Workshop on “Hands on Training on
“Renewable Energy Generation Systems” was
organized by Dr Krithiga S and Dr. T. Deepa.
Associate Professors SELECT, VIT, Chennai on
19/07/2019. Mr. Vijayakumar Krishnasamy
Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE, IIITDM,
Kanchipuram is a guest speaker for the event.
The workshop was divided into two sessions out
of which the first session focused on the
development of PV model in
MATLAB/Simulink to obtain its I V and P V
characteristics while the second session
focused on wind energy conversion systems.