P. 5
To develop skilled engineers to meet the industry needs and hence develop
responsible citizens for the country and the society.
We at VIT University will impart futuristic technical educations and High
patterns of discipline through our dedicated staff who shall set global
standards, making out students technologically superior and ethically strong,
who in turn shall improve the quality of life of the human race.
In VIT University Chennai, the School of Electrical Engineering was
established in the year 2010. Since the inception of the Institute, the
department developed the state of art infrastructure for teaching and
research. To mention, Smart Grid lab is unique of its kind in the country. The
school has highly qualified and experienced faculty. The school offers B.Tech.
program in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, M.Tech. (by Research) and
Ph.D. program. There are four major research groups: Power Systems,
Power Electronics, Controls and Instrumentation and Electrical Machines
and Drives. The research findings of these groups are published in several peer
reviewed International Journals.
The school has always endeavored to contribute significantly to the growth of
technical education. The school has organized several workshops, seminars
and guest lectures for the benefit of faculty, students and research scholars of
educational institutions in and around the region. The School has also signed
an MoU with “Centre for Industrial Automation” lab sponsored by MSME,
Govt. of India for collaborative works. Eminent professors from reputed Indian
and Foreign Universities share their expertise for the benefit of the students.