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TEACHER TRAINING                                                    Expert Lecture

 initiative by NITTR at Delhi Technical Campus                       on Playing with

 Excerpts: Dr. Tulsi, Dean R& D, NITTTR (National                Imagination and
 Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research).

 The goal of the teacher initiative was to                          The MBA Department, Delhi Technical Campus
 enable the teachers to create industry ready,   What is required of   FDP at DTC  affiliated to GGSIPU, organized a lecture on
 employable, professionals, not fresh graduates                     Entrepreneurship and Management by the
 unable to cope with the pressures of the job.  our engineering and   renowned resource person Dr. Anil Wali,
 The session imparted great leanings and, the   The mission of any good faculty development   Director FIIT, IIT Delhi.
                program is to assist and support faculty
 jist of the session is as follows:  technical graduates?  in their professional development. From   All the students of MBA, 1st and 2nd year
 •  Develop effective teaching practices to be   developing strategies enriching student   were astonished by his sparkling presence.
 able to engage students in active learning.  learning to foster a campus culture, innovative   His lecture started with a small exercise of
 •  Engage students in group activities as   When a “fresher” engineer goes to his first   teaching and learning is the cornerstone of   identifying the personalities from the pictures,
                educational excellence.
 part of the curriculum, and to develop   job, he is expected, after a brief training, to   and a lot of excited responses came from the
 the qualities of discussion, analysis and   be able to analyze, evaluate and create on the   Training for the faculty and staff of technical   students which were mostly wrong!
 decision making.  basis of his knowledge.  institutions and working professionals from   This activity created a friendly environment

 •  Building learning communities in the class   The education imparted in most technical   industry, from India and other developing   for the students to open up, facilitating the
                countries was held at the campus as a two day
                                                                    session to be interactive. Moving on to the
 to encourage group learners as well as   institutes in India leaves the graduate hapless   online session.  topic, he explained further how his session
 individual learners.  in such a situation. What he has been taught
 so far is to learn, understand and remember   This online Training let the faculty members   would be beneficial for the students in the
 •  Developing assessment techniques in   which is inadequate to enable him to become   hold interactive Training Sessions with up to   long run. According to him, Creativity and
 accordance with the course objectives.   analytical and creative overnight.  200 people—right from their desk without   Imagination converts into generation of
 Using student feedback, both direct   the need to go anywhere. The online training   feasible ideas which are developed into
 and indirect, to improve teaching   Knowledge is on a need-to- know basis in   saved time and travel costs. Since many   inventions and further utilized in commercial
 methodologies throughout the course.  today’s world. Knowledge without analysis is   space leading to Innovation.
 appallingly useless.  people were getting the training together in a
                Video conference mode, more people could
                be reached across the globe. It made the tests
                and materials available online.

 About pic description

 Que culpa di oditiam aspiet.
 Itatis cuptatis verrovid et
 venis rem dolescitias adio.
 Hendell esequia volorerunt,
 conet et omnihil earciam
 aut aborem labo. Henti que
 molupitat optatum requatur
 suntoreritat dicabor.
 About pic description    Workshop on Brickwork,   FDP at DTC pic description
    School Of Architecture
 Que culpa di oditiam aspiet.                     Que culpa di oditiam aspiet.
 Itatis cuptatis verrovid et   Workshop on Brickwork,   Itatis cuptatis verrovid et
 venis rem dolescitias adio.   School Of Architecturesun-  venis rem dolescitias adio.
 Hendell esequia volorerunt,   toreritat dicabor.  Hendell esequia volorerunt,
 conet et omnihil earciam                         conet et omnihil earciam
 aut aborem labo. Henti que                       aut aborem labo. Henti que
 molupitat optatum requatur                       molupitat optatum requatur
 suntoreritat dicabor.                            suntoreritat dicabor.

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