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Expert Lecture on Gandhi and Management”

          n Expert Lecture was organized at Delhi Technical   attended and participated in it. He was welcomed by Prof. (Dr.)
          Campus, Greater Noida on April 7th, 2015 by the    Neelam Sharma. He discussed the relevance of the Gandhian
      ADepartment of the Management Studies. The lecture     Studies with respect to the contemporary issues like Ethics,
      was delivered by Dr. Anil Dutta Mishra from the National   Leadership, etc.
      Gandhi Museum. He is a distinguished Gandhian scholar
      and writer. He started his career as Assistant Professor in the    In his lifetime and work as an exceptional leader, Gandhi
      Department of Nonviolence and Peace Studies, Jain Vishva   showed many qualities that may be emulated by the youth
      Bharati University, Ladnun, Rajasthan, and became the Deputy   of today.  Other than leadership and clear communication,
      Director of National Gandhi Museum and Honorary Professor,   Gandhi also possessed great strategic planning abilities. To
      Centre for Gandhian Philosophy and Human Development,   add to that, he was a person of great discipline and moral
      Gayatri Vidya Parishad Degree College, Visakhapatnam.  character.
                                                              These were discussed with the help of examples from the life
      Dr. Mishra has held the post of General Secretary of Indian   of Mahatma Gandhi. He stressed upon the unique attitude and
      Society of Gandhian Studies, Alliance for Sarvodaya, Member   character of Gandhi, which helped him to achieve his goals
      Board of Studies, Nagpur and Punjab Universities. He is a   and targets.
      Member of Gandhian Studies Centre of various colleges and
      universities across India sponsored by UGC and is presently   Later Dr.Mishra interacted with the Honorable Justice Bhanwar
      Honorary Treasurer at IIPA-Delhi Regional Branch, New Delhi.   Singh, the Director General of DTC and DME. He discussed
      He has authored/ edited 30 books and published more than   the role of Gandhi in the public Administration and how he
      hundred research papers.                               encouraged great businessmen and industrialists like Birla
       The title of the lecture was “MANAGEMENT AND GANDHI”.   and Godrej to establish their empire with the launch of simple
      The students and the faculty members of BBA and MBA    products like cement, lock and keys, almirahs, etc

      Expert Lecture VLSI Organized by Department of ECE

           r Parshant Vishney is working as an Application Engineer   or things embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and
           with Cadence Design Systems. He has around 11 years   network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect
     Mof experiences in Digital Implementation. He has done   and exchange data. The Internet of Things allows objects to be
     his Bachelors in Electronics and Communication from National   sensed and controlled remotely across the existing network
     Institute of Technology, Surathkal. Recently, he is pursuing MBA   infrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration
     from IIM-Lucknow Noida Campus.                          between the physical world and computer-based systems, and
                                                             resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit.
     Mr. Prashant discussed various opportunities available in the   Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its embedded
     field of VLSI for Electronics Engineers.
                                                             computing system, but is able to interoperate within the
     Mr. Parshant elaborated the topic ‘Internet of Things’ in detail.   existing Internet infrastructure. Experts estimate that the IoT will
     The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects   consist of almost 50 billion objects by 2020.

      Series of Special Lectures on  Entrepreneurship & Management

           series of special lectures has been arranged for the   town planning. Availability of basic infrastructure is planned
           management students. These lectures, delivered     to exceed demand at all stages of development, inter-
      A by industry experts, are believed to widen the        flowing green spaces, a grid iron pattern of wide roads for
      understanding of the students.                          an efficient transport system, and a unique integration of
                                                              industrial, commercial, institutional and residential zones.
      Greater Noida: a vision of an ideal city, but at what cost?
                                                              Such are the lofty expectations of the Greater Noida Industrial
      Call it our destiny or call it our vision, but Greater Noida   development Authority.
      is shaping up as India’s smartest city, the National Capital
      Region’s most modern urban development and the fastest-   Greater Noida is still a place where you can wake up to
      developing center of attraction for the people of Delhi, Noida,   birdsongs. The birds live in the plots that are still vacant and
      Ghaziabad, Gurgaon and Faridabad.                       bear some natural vegetation. The ornamental vegetation
                                                              used to make “green areas” of the city green provides no food
      Greater Noida is now looking for a mutually beneficial   or shelter to the indigenous birds of the region. As a result, our
      association with investors who could become part of its vision   green areas are devoid of birdlife. This is a disappointment as
      to conceive and execute international standard -schools,   the area previously boasted of a huge population of grassland
      colleges, hospitals, offices, amusement parks and other   birds.
      projects. This association would be your destiny through your   Thoughtful landscaping may resolve the issue to a certain
                                                              degree, providing statutory green cover in a site as well as
      Greater Noida has emerged as a modern model of farsighted   source of food and shelter to grassland birds.
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