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 a tribute to the Indian woman  DTC HERITAGE CLUB   ORIENTAL

 HABASH KUDIYE, a play, was organized on April 17th, 2015. It   organized the
 Swas presented by the team members of ACTOR UNVEILED-An   2015
 Adult Theatre Group. The Directors were KanuPriya and Mohd.   Bharatanatyam Dance
 Faheem. The story was written by Smt.Urmil Satya bhushan
 and choreographed by Prince Bamhotra and Guncha Dwivedi.
 The play was inaugurated by Shri Vipin Sahni,Chairman, Smt.  Recital on
 KiranSahni,Chairperson, Honorable Justice Bhanwar Singh, Director
 General, Mrs.Singh, Mr.Neeraj and Smt.Urmil Satya bhushan. The   October 28th, 2015
 faculty members, students of DTC and DME and the trainee staff
 of Citibank were present at the event. The play comprised of three
 short stories about the challenges of growing up a woman in India.  he artist performing for the day was none
 other than Padma Shree Award Winner
 UMMY, MUJHEY KSHAMA KARDO-It’s a story through the eyes  TSmt.Geeta Chandran.
 Mof a young girl, Juhi, who at the young age of 18 experiences   Smt.Geeta Chandran is the Bharatanatyam
 romance and love, and is able to look back at the unfortunate   Dancer and Choreographer. She is celebrated
 incidences of MAKDI- A complicated story of a modern woman   not only for her deep and composite
 depicting the inner conflicts of her personality.
 understanding of the art of Bharatanatyam,
 but also for her Carnatic music (she is a
 ukta, a modern day working woman with high   trained and accomplished vocalist), her   he Orientation Program of Delhi Technical   ensured the students that they would cherish their
 Mexpectations and ambitions of success,   work in television, video and film, theatre,   Campus, Greater Noida, affiliated to GGSIP   stay at Delhi Technical Campus.
 fails miserably in her marriage. The metaphor   choreography, dance education, dance   TUniversity was organized on August 10, 2015 for
 of a spider creating web for others but   activism and dance-issue   its 2015 Batch. A good number of freshers and their    Dr. Pranay Tanwar, Dean Academics, Delhi Technical
 finally getting trapped in it is brought out   journalism. The Society   parents attended the event. After the registration   Campus, familiarized the students and their parents
 beautifully through the catalyst Sukeshi, a   for the Promotion   formalities were fulfilled, the students were seated at   with Architectural and Academic structure of the
 simple, contented neighbour of Mukta.                          college. She highlighted the information relevant to
 of Indian Classical   the venue. Two motivational videos were played. One   the B.Tech and M.B.A Programs.
 Music and Culture   highlighted the fact that “failure is not the end but a
 HABASH KUDIYA-The last story talks   Amongst Youth (SPIC   new beginning”.    The Director General, Hon’ble Mr. Justice Bhanwar
 Sabout the life of the protagonist Sheenu,   MACAY) is a non-political   Singh, enlightened the students by quoting examples
 a 14 year old girl from a middle class   organization for the   The event began with the Welcome Address to   from Engineers like Alan Turing, Nicola Tesla, Thomas
 family. Although talented   promotion of Indian culture.The   the gathered Freshers by the Anchor, Ms Sanober   Alva Edison and Wright Brothers etc.
 and outspoken, her   programme was organized by the   Khan (Faculty MBA) alongwith Parisha Santoshi and
 confidence and   students of DTC at the Seminar Hall of   Vikramaditya Ganguly, the students of B.Tech 2014 batch.    Dr. Rakesh Sharma, Registrar, IIT Delhi with his
 youthfulness becomes   the Campus from 03:00 pm to 04:15 pm.    The Chief Guest for this auspicious occasion was   influential Oratory skills threw light on the potential
 a reason for her family   Apart from Smt. Geeta Chandran,Madhu -The   Dr.S.M. Ishtiaque, Professor, IIT Delhi. He encouraged   of the students. He stressed on the importance of
 to become fearful and   Dance Assistant, Guru Shri S.Shankar, Vocal   the students to work hard and keep up the name of   Student-Teacher relationship and encouraged them
 the society to become   Artist K.Venkateshwaran, Mridangam Artist:   the Institute. He shared his explicit views on various   to work as a unit.  Dr. Vikram Dutt , an eminent Film-
 judgmental.  concepts of Engineering with the students. He ended   maker, whose movies have been screened at the
 Thanjavoor R.Keshavan, Flute Artist Rohit                      Cannes and Milan Film Festivals, encouraged the
 Prasanna also enthralled the audience with   his speech with inspirational quotes of Dr.A.P.J Kalam.  students to work hard and to strive to be the best.
 their performance.    Our Chairman, Mr. Vipin Sahni, addressed the   The day was closed on a positive note by wishing the
             students by welcoming them to the college. He      students a bright future ahead!!!

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