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Industrial visit:

 Anmol Biscuit Factory  NOIDA: With the 28.8-km

 organized a full day trip for MBA 2nd year students to Anmol biscuits   Noida-Greater Noida Metro track chasing
 on September 18, 2015 under the supervision of Mr.Deepak Bansal,   a commissioning date of December 2017, the Noida Authority on Monday started the work to remove nearly

 faculty member of MBA Department.   700 trees falling on the route

 ll the students of MBA 2nd year were given this golden   sanitizers to clean their hands. After baking,   ith nearly 3,000 trees falling in the path of the   sapling will be planted for each tree that does not
 opportunity  to explore the factory and learn the   the entire job of placing the biscuits into the   Metro corridor, the Noida Metro Rail Company   survive in the green belts or green areas of the city.
 Aworking  process  of  Anmol  Biscuits.  After  reaching  the   tray is done manually which are then carried to   W(NMRC) launched a survey in February 2015 to   Shifting of trees and planting operation would be carried
 destination, the students were attended by Mr. Nand Lal   the packaging machines. The quality control team   ascertain the exact number of trees which need shifting   out during the monsoon season to ensure their survival.
 Swami, Deputy G.M of Anmol biscuits along with other   inspects and checks the standard of each batch.  or relocating.  Nearly 530 trees have to be shifted from the Metro
 Senior Level Executives at the entrance. All the students    Packaging section uses fully equipped machines   According to the officials, about 678 trees have to be   corridor, officials said.
 were welcomed with enthusiasm and motivation by them.   from where the packaged biscuits are sent to be   shifted. Of these, about 150 fully-grown trees will have   The trees will be translocated by using modern
 Later the students were briefed about the company and   packed in cartons. The storage section is too huge with   to be cut as it will not be feasible to translocate them.   technology. The forest department said that the chances
 the norms which have to be mandatorily maintained   a capacity to store thousands of biscuit cartons at one   The rest will be shifted or relocated to other green areas   of survival of translocated trees are generally low.
 within the factory. Head masks were provided to   place. They are loaded in batches and sent accordingly.   of the city by July 15, 2015, just before the monsoon   However, modalities will be worked out to ensure that
 each student to maintain the hygiene of the factory.  This trip ended well with making the students aware of   sets in.   the trees suffer minimum damage in the process. Shifting
 The mentor, Mr. B. L. Sharma, led the group to the trucks  the production capacity of plant, the new technology and   and cutting of trees is being done in a phased manner.
 where the wheat which came from different parts of the  equipments used, the cost effective elements of using the   In lieu of the translocation and shifting of trees, one
 country was collected to be unloaded. He explained  scrap again by processing it, the efficient time management,
 how the Distribution and Transportation Channel  delivery  channels,  distribution  and  transportation
 works to eradicate the time barriers and maintain  channels, sales strategies, target settings, inventory   Industrial visit   Seminar by
 the  free  flow  of  goods  to  the  factory  premises.  stock maintenance, quality control checks, setting up of
 From there, students were taken inside the factory  standards, efficient process, documentation, hygiene factors,   INDIAN SCHOOL OF
 where the wheat bags were stocked. Chemicals  worker’s utility, job description and analysis of workers,   SOFCON INDIA PVT. LTD.
 like Ammonia and other essential elements  flexible  time  and  core  objective-  achievement  of  plant.
 were placed next to the room where wheat was  On  the  whole,  the  trip  was  very  beneficial  and  educative.   19TH October 2015.  DIGITAL EDUCATION (ISDE)
 stored. The mentor explained to us the need  The  company  not  only  enhanced  the  students’
 for proper check and licenses required to keep  knowledge, but also took care of their appetite by offering   he main objective behind the visit was to make   BA department, Delhi Technical Campus affiliated to
 the quality, standards and quantity checks for  them  packs  of  different  flavours  of  yummy  biscuits.   the students aware about the importance of   MGGSIPU, organized a workshop on Digital Marketing by
 effective control and reform measures to be taken. As a whole, this industrial visit helped the students to learn   Tautomation and the level of its penetration in   the talented employees of ISDE.
   After this, the students were taken to a chamber  different  aspects  of  On-the  Job  Training  and  made  them   the field of electrical and electronics Engineering.
 where sugar was churned. Quality standards  more competitive to be ready to face the future challenges.  All the students of MBA 1st and 2nd year were
 were taken care of by continuous  monitoring by   Sofcon India Pvt. Ltd. is one of the fastest growing   overwhelmed by the opportunity given to them.
 employees. The group was shown how the different  The function of education is to teach one to think intensively   automation training companies. The company   The honorary speakers were:  Ms.Shikha Bansal- who has
 creams are manufactured. Students were explained  and to think critically. Intelligence. plus character - that   possesses a rich experience of over two decades   worked with various companies like Ericom, Infoedge India
 how the Inventory Stock Controller plays an important  is the goal of true education. Martin Luther King, Jr.  in providing automation solutions to Indian and   ltd., etc. and is currently working with ISDE.
 role as  thorough & regular check is required for   overseas industries, thus making them a leading
 removing any delay in the process because gap will   training service provider.   Mr.Neo Gibson- software engineer and technical person in
 lead to stagnation. Hence, timely monitoring is required.   Students got a real feel of how the entire   ISDE, has worked with effective media solutions till 2015
 By this time, students were aware of what all ingredients   Automation system, for example bottle filling plant   and has a degree from Invertis University, Bareily.
 were used and how they were stocked. Students   and control of power system parameters , actually   Mr.Ajay Bhagat- MBA in marketing and HR with 5 years
 were  taken  to  a  different  section  where  biscuits  were   works and how it can be controlled through a   experience in the same field.
 produced. The big machines and their working process   software, how automated tools keep control and
 were analyzed by the students. The students got a chance   supervision on all industrial activities through   DR.Harjeet Kaur- MBA(Sikkim Manipal University),
 to interact with the workers regarding the functioning of   SCADA system. It was a chance to transfer their   PhD(techno global university) has worked with various
 the machines and the time utilized by them. Readings were   theoretical knowledge to practical implication.   companies with top management(like in Amity). He has
 taken and approx time was calculated. The workers used          3years experience of lectureship with various institutions
             They got to know how the manual handling of large   and is the managing director of Noida branch ISDE.
             electrical equipments can be replaced by automatic
             handling saving time and man power. This will       Mrs.Shalu Pandey- MBA(Advertising and marketing
             benefit the students in understanding the subject   communications). She has worked in same field for 1 year
             matter clearly in future.                           and now working as a counselor in Noida branch of ISDE.
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