Page 15 - Unlock Sensory Power
P. 15

Mark Ritson doesn’t hold back,   The risk for brands that channel
 and he has a point. Are brands   disproportionate energies into higher
 order purpose, is that they fall short on
 neglecting the more tangible   the more tangible elements of the
 elements of the marketing   consumers’ experience.
 mix? And if so, are they
 risking their most valuable   By all means stand for something, but
 with today’s savvy consumer, make
 asset: trust?   absolutely sure that you are delivering
 it. Purpose without substance is just spin   THE FRAGMENTATION OF BRANDS IS A
 THE FRAGILITY OF TRUST  - and in the modern world spin is called
 This is the age of the savvy consumer.  MASSIVE RISK, AND YOU SEE IT ALL AS

 Never before have they been so   THE LOSS OF IDENTITY  CONSUMERS. YOU SEE [THE BRAND] IN
 informed. Never before have felt so
 empowered. This ‘new normal’ has raised  Maintaining and building trust is
 levels of scepticism towards brands and   not the only challenge.  DIFFERENT PLACES, THE BRAND ISN’T
 An even bigger issue for brand owners is   QUITE THE BRAND, AND THAT, I THINK,
 When spending time with consumers,   a loss of clear identity. For emerging
 it’s increasingly common to encounter   generations, long-form advertising is no
 comments that second guess the motives   longer the way brand messages are   IS A REAL CHALLENGE FOR MARKETERS.
 of brand managers: “Oh, I can see what   absorbed. Instead, snippets of ‘brand
 they’re trying to do here!”  noise’ are wedged into our lives through   HOW DO YOU CREATE THE POWER OF A
 omnipresent social media channels.
 There is a new fragility of trust between
 consumers and brands, as underlined by   As Keith Weed, Unilever’s CMO observes,   BRAND, WITH CONSISTENCY AND
 various global measures. This is not to   brands that rely heavily on this
 suggest a crisis, but it is clear that no   mechanism run the risk of fragmented   INTEGRATION ACROSS ALL THESE
 brand can take trust for granted.  and failing brand equities. The ability to
 enjoy consistent and compelling meaning
 across a large and varied audience is lost.  DIFFERENT VOICES?  “

 BETWEEN A BRAND AND THE   Chief Marketing Communications Officer, Unilever

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