Page 33 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 33
World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC )
Ninety-one per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable Option A (Electrical)
Grades, I–III, compared with 90 per cent in 2018. Performance In 2019, the percentage of candidates achieving acceptable
on Paper 01 the Multiple-Choice, was consistent with 2018. Grades, I–III, increased from 80 per cent in 2018 to 87 per
There was an improvement in candidates’ performance on cent. Candidate performance improved on Paper 01, the
Paper 02, the Essay Paper, while there was a decline in the Multiple-Choice, and Paper 03, the School-Based Assessment.
performance on Paper 03, the School-Based Assessment. However, there was a decline in performance on Paper 02, the
Structured Response. Performance on Profile 1, Knowledge
FRENCH and Comprehension, declined in 2019 while there was an
In 2019, 64 per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable improved performance on Profile 2, Use of Knowledge, and
Grades, I–III, compared with 71 per cent in 2018. While there Profile 3, Practical Ability, compared with 2018.
was an improved performance on Profile 1, Listening, there
was a decline in the performance on Profile 2, Reading, Profile Option B (Mechanical)
3, Speaking and Profile 4, Writing. The percentage of candidates achieving acceptable Grades,
I–III, increased moderately compared with 2018. Candidate
GEOGRAPHY performance improved on Paper 01, the Multiple-Choice,
Overall, the percentage of candidates achieving acceptable Paper 02, the Structured Response, and Paper 03, the School-
Grades, I–III, in 2019 was consistent with 2018. Seventy-five Based Assessment. Performance on Profile 1, Knowledge and
per cent of candidates achieved these acceptable grades in Comprehension, and Profile 2, Use of Knowledge, declined
both years. While there was an improved performance for the while performance on Profile 3, Practical Ability, improved
Practical Skills and Use of knowledge profiles, there was a compared with 2018.
decline for Knowledge and Comprehension. The percentage
of candidates achieving Grades A–C on Practical skills Option C (Building)
increased from 83 per cent in 2018 to 93 per cent in 2019 and The percentage of the candidates achieving acceptable
on Use of Knowledge from 51 per cent to 59 per cent. For Grades, I–III, increased from 85 per cent in 2018 to 91 per
Knowledge and Comprehension, the figure declined from 66 cent in 2019. There was an improved performance on Paper
to 62 per cent. 01, the Multiple-Choice, Paper 02, the Structured Response,
and Paper 030, the School-Based Assessment compared with
HUMAN AND SOCIAL BIOLOGY 2018. Candidate performance improved compared with 2018
There was a significant decline in the overall performance of on Profile 1, Knowledge and Comprehension, Profile 2, Use of
candidates this year, with 52 per cent of candidates achieving knowledge, and Profile 3, Practical Ability.
acceptable Grades, I–III, compared with 64 per cent in
2018. Candidate performance on Profile 1, Knowledge and
Comprehension, remained consistent with that of last year,
while a decline in performance was noted on Profile 2, Use of