Page 30 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 30
World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications
Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )
In Unit 1, the performance of candidates in 2019 has shown In Unit 1, the performance of candidates on the 2019
a decline compared with 2018. Ninety-one per cent of the examination was consistent with that of 2018. The percentage
candidates who wrote the Unit 1 examination achieved of candidates achieving acceptable Grades, I–V, in 2019 was
acceptable Grades, I–V, compared with 95 per cent in 2018. 99 per cent in both years.
While performance on Paper 01, the Multiple-Choice, improved
when compared with 2018, there was a corresponding decline There was a decline in the performance of the candidates
in performance on Paper 02, the Essay and Paper 032, the on Paper 01 and Paper 02. However, there was an improved
Alternative to the School-Based Assessment. Performance on performance on Paper 03 and Paper 04, the School-Based
Paper 031, the School-Based Assessment, remained consistent Assessment, when compared with 2018.
with 2018. Performance on Module 1, Sociological Concepts,
Perspectives and Methods and Module 2, Social Institutions: In Unit 2, the performance in 2019 was consistent with
Family, Religion, Education, showed a slight decline, while that of 2018, with 99 per cent of the candidates achieving
performance on Module 3, Social Stratification, remained acceptable Grades, I–V, in both years. There was an improved
consistent when compared with 2018. performance on Paper 01, Paper 02 and Paper 04, the School-
Based Assessment, while there was a decline on Paper 03, the
Like Unit 1, candidates’ performance in 2019 for Unit 2, Literary Analysis and Themes, when compared to 2018.
showed a decline when compared with that of the previous
year. Ninety-six per cent of the candidates who wrote this TOURISM
examination achieved acceptable Grades, I–V, compared with In Unit 1, the percentage of candidates achieving acceptable
99 per cent in 2018. A noticeable decline in performance was Grades, I-V, in 2019 was 96 per cent, which was consistent with
seen on Paper 02, (the Essay) and Paper 032, the Alternative the performance in 2018. There was a significant decline in the
to the School-Based Assessment. On Paper 01, the Multiple- performance of candidates on Paper 02, the Essay Paper, and
Choice Paper and Paper 031, the School-Based Assessment, Paper 032, the Alternative to the School-Based Assessment.
performance remained consistent compared with 2018. There A marginal decline in performance was noted in Paper 01,
was a decline in performance on Module 1, Population and the Multiple-Choice Paper, and Paper 031, the School-Based
Development and Module 2, Crime and Deviance, compared Assessment. A decline was also noted across all modules, but
with 2018, while on Module 3, Caribbean Social Issues: Poverty, was most significant on Module 2, Linkages with Key Sectors.
Health and Environment, there was a slight improvement in
performance. Candidates demonstrated reasonably sound In Unit 2, the percentage of candidates achieving acceptable
knowledge of the concepts and theories of sociology, but Grades, I-V, in 2019 was 98 per cent which was consistent
generally lacked critical thinking and essay writing skills. with the performance in 2018. There was an improvement
in the performance of candidates on all components of the
examination. The improvement was most evident on Paper 01,
the Multiple-Choice Paper and Paper 032, the Alternative to
the School-Based Assessment. Improvement was also noted
across all modules especially Module 3, Entrepreneurship.