Page 26 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 26
World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications
Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )
Candidates continue to perform satisfactorily on all aspects of GREEN ENGINEERING
the School-Based Assessment. In Unit 1, the percentage of candidates achieving acceptable
Grades, I–V, in 2019, was 92 per cent. This was a decline from
FRENCH the 98 per cent of candidates achieving acceptable grades
In Unit 1, 266 candidates wrote the examination compared in 2018. There was a decline in the performance on Paper
with 239 in 2018. The performance in the 2019 examination 01, the Multiple-Choice Paper and Paper 02, the Essay Paper.
was consistent with the 2018 performance, with approximately However, there was an improvement in the performance on
99 per cent of the candidates achieving acceptable Grades, Paper 030, the School-Based Assessment. Performance
I–V, in both years. declined across all Modules: Module 1, Concepts and Issues,
Module 2, Theoretical Framework of Green Engineering and
The performance of the candidates on Paper 01 was also Module 3, Green Engineering in Practice.
consistent with 2018. However, there was a moderate decline
in performance on Paper 02 and Paper 03 when compared In Unit 2, the candidates achieving acceptable Grades, I–V,
with 2018. The performance on Paper 04, the School-Based increased from 95 per cent in 2018 to 97 per cent in 2019. There
Assessment was consistent with 2018. was an improved performance on Paper 01, the Multiple-Choice
Paper as well as on Paper 02, the Essay Paper, and Paper 030,
In Unit 2, 202 candidates wrote the examination, compared the School-Based Assessment. However, there was a decline
with 252 in 2018. The performance in the 2019 examination in the performance of candidates across all modules, with the
was consistent with 2018 with approximately 100 per cent of greatest decline being in Module 1, Utilisation of Sustainable
the candidates achieving Grades I–V in both years. However, Materials and Energy.
there was a moderate decline in performance on Paper 01,
Paper 02 and Paper 03 when compared with 2018. HISTORY
In Unit 1, the percentage of candidates achieving acceptable
GEOGRAPHY Grades, I–V, in 2019 was consistent with 2018, with 91 per cent
For Unit 1, 99 per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable achieving these grades in both years. The performance of the
Grades, I–V, in both 2018 and 2019. There was a significant candidates on Paper 01, Paper 02 and Paper 03, the School-
increase in the number of candidates achieving Grade 1 Based Assessment was also consistent with 2018.
compared to 2018. There was also improvement in the
mean scores for Paper 01 and 02 as well as the mean score In Unit 2, there was a decline in candidate performance in 2019
for Module 2, Hydrological, Fluvial, Coastal and Limestone compared with 2018. The percentage of candidates achieving
Environments. acceptable Grades, I–V, in 2019 decreased to 80 per cent,
compared with 88 per cent in 2018.
For Unit 2, the percentage of candidates achieving acceptable
Grades, I–V, was 98 per cent in 2019, which is consistent with There was an improved candidate performance on Paper 01
99 per cent of students in 2018. for 2019, while there was a decline in performance on Paper
02 compared with 2018. Candidates’ performance on Paper
03 remained consistent with 2018.