Page 24 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 24


            World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications

            Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )

            The  overall  performance  of  candidates  on  Unit 2  improved   However, there was a decline in performance on Paper 032,
            marginally compared with 2018, with 95  per cent of the   the Alternative to the School-Based Assessment. There was
            candidates achieving acceptable Grades, I-V, in 2019,   an improvement in the performance of candidates across all
            compared with 94 per cent in 2018.                  modules, with the greatest improvement being observed on
                                                                Module 2, Macroeconomic Problems and Policies.
            DIGITAL MEDIA
            In Unit 1, 97 per cent of candidates achieved acceptable   ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING
            Grades, I–V, compared with 99 per cent in 2018.  Candidates   TECHNOLOGY
            performed  best  on  Module  2,  the  Digital  Media  Ecosystem,   In Unit 1, the percentage of candidates achieving acceptable
            while Module 1, Understanding Digital Media, proved the most   Grades, I–V, in 2019, was 96 per cent. This was a slight decline
            challenging.                                        from 98 per cent of the candidates achieving acceptable grades
                                                                in 2018.  There was an improvement in the performance on
            In Unit 2, 97 per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable   Paper 01, the Multiple-Choice Paper, Paper 02, the Essay Paper
            Grades, I–V, compared with 99 per cent in 2018.  Candidates   and Paper 03, the School-Based Assessment.  Performance
            performed best on Module 1, Visual and Interactive Design,   improved across all Modules: Module 1, Occupational Health,
            while Module 3, Mobile App Development, proved the most   Safety and Environmental Practices, Module 2, Electrical and
            challenging.                                        Electronic Related Studies and Module 3, Introduction to
                                                                Circuit Technology and Devices.
            In Unit 1, the percentage of candidates achieving acceptable   In Unit 2A, seven candidates wrote this examination.  The
            Grades, I–V, in 2019, was 84 per cent which was consistent with   percentage of candidates achieving acceptable Grades, I–V,
            the percentage achieving acceptable grades in 2018.  There   in 2019 was 71 per cent, an increase from the 50 per cent in
            was an improvement  in  the performance  on Paper 02,  the   2018.  There was a decline in the performance on Paper 01,
            Essay Paper, Paper 031, the School-Based Assessment, and   the Multiple-Choice Paper, while Paper 02, the Essay Paper
            Paper 032, the Alternative to the School-Based Assessment.    improved in performance.  Paper 03, the School-Based
            However, there was decline in the performance on Paper   Assessment showed consistent results between 2018 and
            01, the Multiple-Choice Paper. Performance was generally   2019.  Performance improved on Module 1, Communication
            consistent across Module 2, Market Structure, Market Failure   and  Engineering, but  declined  on Module  2, Analogue  and
            and Intervention, and Module 3, Distribution Theory. However,   Digital Electronics and Module 3, Control Systems.
            there was a negligible improvement in the performance on
            Module 1, Methodology, Demand and Supply.           In Unit 2B, the percentage of candidates achieving acceptable
                                                                Grades, I-V, in 2019, was 92 per cent, a decline from the
            In Unit 2, the candidates achieving acceptable Grades, I–V,   97 per cent of candidates achieving acceptable grades in
            increased from 86 per cent in 2018 to 93 per cent in 2019. There   2018.  There was a decline in the performance on Paper 01,
            was a significant increase in the performance on Paper 02, the   the Multiple-Choice Paper while Paper 02, the Essay Paper,
            Essay Paper, and marginal increases on Paper 01, the Multiple-  and Paper 03, the School-Based Assessment showed an
            Choice Paper, and Paper 031, the School-Based Assessment.   improved performance.  Candidate performance declined on

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