Page 19 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 19

World Class Exams

            Examinations Administration and Security (EAS)

            CSEC®                                               CSEC® SBA RECORDS
            40.  Local Registrars were reminded, via email communication,   43. The  number  of  candidate  entries  for  SBA  subjects was
               of the deadlines for the submission of the SBA records  460,412, a decrease (4.68 per cent) when compared with
               and samples. Local Registrars, Permanent Secretaries and   482,966 in 2018.  The percentage of SBA data records
               Chief Education Officers were also reminded that no SBA  submitted was slightly higher than in 2018:  of the 460,412
               samples or scores would be accepted after the absolute  CSEC®  SBA records  expected,  441,242 were  submitted
               deadline of 30 June 2019; and that candidates for whom  (95.84 per cent), compared with 94.41 per cent in 2018.
               no SBA Scores or SBA samples were received, would be  Some 19,170 SBA scores have not been received by CXC
               reported “Ungraded: no SBA received”.                to date, and of this number, teachers’ reports suggest
                                                                    that 18,607 have not been submitted by candidates.  This
            41. One territory requested an extension of the deadline for  number accounted for 4.04 per cent of the candidate
               the submission of CSEC® SBA records and samples, citing   population.  To date, no SBA records have been received
               the  challenges  encountered  using  the  system  and  was  for 752 candidates (0.16 per cent).
               granted an extension until 17 May, 2019. In order to be fair
               to all territories, penalties for late submission were only
               incurred for submissions received after this date.

            42. Random Sampling which was previously utilised for a
               select group of subjects, was instituted across most
               subjects: CSEC® English A/B and Mathematics were
               the only exclusions.  This was decided because, while
               historically, the data indicates that more than 80 per cent of
               the moderation decisions are to accept the teacher’s mark,
               there was insufficient data for the CSEC® English A/B and
               Mathematics SBAs which were introduced in 2018.

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