Page 15 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 15

World Class Exams

            Examinations Administration and Security

            13. The  e-SBA  application  functioned  well  with  marks  and  16. The MS Teams software which was introduced in the
               samples  easily transferred  for  Moderation/Marking.  January  2019  Session  was  expanded  for  this  cycle.
               However, the submission of fillable PDF forms or Cover  The application was used by the Marking Teams to
               Sheets created some  file processing challenges.    CXC  manage meetings as well as document-sharing for the
               instructed Centres to fill the e-Form then Print-To-PDF  standardisation process. The use of MS Teams removed
               prior to loading the files.  Notwithstanding this instruction,  the need to have CXC’s Staff setup and launch the
               a significant number of Centres, simply Saved-To-PDF.  standardisation meetings as was done in the past. Only
               Due to controls on the marking platform, those saved  in cases where the groups exceeded 25 participants was
               forms could not be automatically converted and had to  the CXC team required to manage the meetings. The tool,
               be manually reprocessed. The instructions on these forms   which also facilitated recording of virtual meetings, was
               will be updated for the next cycle and if possible, the  complimented by the Teams.
               system will be modified to reject any form that does not
               meet the acceptable format at the time of upload.  17.  In response to requests from the Local Registrars,
                                                                    the  dispatch  schedule  was  modified  to  allow  greater
            14. The same method used for School Based Assessment    consolidation of shipments to reduce costs for the
               (SBA) marking last year was employed for this session.  territories.
               While there was no seeding, markers were standardised
               and the Chief Examiners (SBA) reviewed samples as well  18. EAS circulated and finalised the session plan for the May-
               as the comments and feedback provided to the Centres  June 2019 marking activities after wide consultation with
               by the Marker.                                       Colleagues, Local Registrars (LRs) and Marking Teams.  To
                                                                    ensure the standardisation process could be advanced
            MARKING                                                 to the agreed timelines,  release letters were provided
            15. In the May-June 2019 session, CXC adopted RM™ Assess  to members of the Marking Teams.  While CAPE®
               or 3 for all script types (e-Course Work, e-Scripts and  Communication Studies advanced more quickly this cycle,
               p-Scripts) for the first time. The adoption was supported  the perennial CSEC® English A, QIG 1, and this year QIG3,
               through Learning and Development Workshops, online   CAPE® Caribbean Studies, CAPE® Literatures in English
               orientation sessions and video aids.  The intuitive interface   and CAPE® History progressed very slowly to completion.
               of the new tool was easily adopted by our Markers with   Given our inability to complete Standardization and
               several commending its ease of use.                  Marking to schedule, there will be continued review and
                                                                    refinement of our scheduling and resource allocation

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