Page 11 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 11
World Class Exams
Examinations Administration and Security (EAS)
Table 3 summarises the extent of absenteeism in the region 16. It has been suggested that a primary reason for the
for this year’s January examinations. level of absenteeism from the examinations is likely to
No. No. % be inadequate preparation on the part of candidates,
Registered Absent Absent which results in a lack of confidence to attempt the
Biology 779 155 19.90 examinations. The Technical Awards Committee has
Chemistry 779 129 16.56 recommended that in order to optimise the benefits of
the January examinations in improving the pool of skills to
English A 7445 1559 20.94
support the further growth and development of the region,
English B 818 241 29.46
Ministries of Education should encourage candidates
Human and Social Biology 2286 737 32.24
(particularly private candidates) to prepare adequately
Information Technology 830 210 25.30
for the examinations for which they register. Wherever
Mathematics 9196 1975 21.48
possible, Ministries should make these candidates aware
Office Administration 923 375 40.63 of resources that are available to support independent
Physics 814 152 18.67 study.
Principles of Accounts 1188 379 31.90
Principles of Business 2372 692 29.17 17. In order to determine the reasons for the high percentage
Social Studies 2978 797 26.76 of absenteeism among the candidates in the 17+ age
Spanish 510 146 28.63 group, a short survey will be conducted using available
Grand Total 30918 7547 24.41 email addresses for these candidates and the findings
Table 3 Summary of absenteeism across the region for used to assist in rectifying the problem.
January 2019 examinations
18. Consideration has also been given to examinations with
15. It was noted that the problem was particularly pronounced few candidate entries and it has been agreed that while
in Trinidad and Tobago, which accounted for 79.09 per these subjects, especially the new generation subjects,
cent of the overall regional entries for the January 2019 should continue to be offered, they should be administered
examinations. For this country, there was a total of 6,779 electronically ONLY, to avoid the high printing and other
absentees representing 27.72 per cent of the country’s miscellaneous costs.
entries and accounting for 88.58 per cent of absentees in
the region. Jamaica, with 9.47 per cent of entries for the IRREGULARITIES AND HARDSHIPS
January 2019 examinations, had a total of 446 absentees 19. The Final Awards Committee (FAC) considered and ruled
representing 15.23 per cent of the country’s entries and on six (6) requests for Special Consideration (Hardships).
5.91 per cent of the region’s absentees. The majority of FAC also reviewed the recommendations from the
absentees (89.51 per cent) in the region were from the relevant sub-committee regarding two (2) cases of
over-17 age group. irregularity and made decisions in accordance with the
Council’s Regulations.