Page 6 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 6



            Registrar’s Review

                                                                characteristics of the balanced scorecard (BSC) methodology
                                                                and its application in the development of the corporate strategy
                                                                map and BSC for 2020.  The balanced scorecard methodology
                                                                ensures alignment with the organisation’s vision, mission, core
                                                                values and strategic objectives at all levels throughout the
                                                                organisation.  This approach will help all staff understand how
                                                                their roles impact the overall achievement of the organisation’s
                                                                strategic objectives and outcomes.

                                                                To ensure the effective implementation of this strategy
                                                                and performance management system, key staff members
                                                                were formally trained and certified as balanced scorecard
                                                                professionals.  These certified professionals will now ensure
                                                                that all staff members are trained in the use of the balanced
                                                                scorecard methodology as it is implemented across the

                                                                The Council has also embarked on a restructuring exercise to
            Welcome to the CXC 2019 Annual Report.              strengthen corporate governance and enhance the Council’s
                                                                capacity and capability to better serve the needs of our
            Let me start by thanking Mr Glenroy Cumberbatch, my   internal and external stakeholders. It is envisioned that CXC
            predecessor, for his contribution to the technological advances  will become integrated, flexible, responsive, and proactive in
            and development of CXC. I wish him all the very best in his   fulfilling its regional mandate.
                                                                I participated in the IAEA Annual Board Meeting and the 45th
            The year under review, was one in which stakeholders’ feedback   IAEA Annual Conference in Baku, Azerbaijan, in September.
            was sought as a priority to set the agenda for the development   A possible outcome from these activities, is CXC hosting the
            of the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan. CXC participated in high level   2023 IAEA Conference in Jamaica.  The last time CXC hosted
            engagement activities across the region and these are largely   this conference was in 1998 in Barbados.
            reflected and documented on pages 78 to 80 of this report.
                                                                As part of our ongoing consultation with key stakeholders in
            In September, in-house strategic management sessions were   developing the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, Chief Education
            conducted in which a cross functional team was exposed to the   Officers and Permanent Secretaries from across the region

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