Page 10 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
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World Class Exams
Examinations Administration and Security (EAS)
5. The administration of the January 2019 session was 10. During the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2018, RM™ Assessor3,
successful. There were no reports of challenges with the latest version of the marking tool, was tested and
Question Paper delivery or missing papers. piloted with groups of Examining Committees and Markers.
Based on the positive feedback regarding ease of use
ELECTRONIC TESTING and the overall improvements in the application, it was
6. Several training workshops were delivered in the last decided to deploy the Assessor 3™ for the January cycle.
quarter of 2018 to support the expansion of e-Testing Thus, prior to the start of the January marking activities,
in 2019. A mixture of online and onsite sessions were online webinars and workshops on the application, were
delivered across the region not only to refresh the support provided for all Staff, Examining Committees and Markers.
teams, but to enable general stakeholders to understand The previous version of RM Assessor™ was used to mark
the process of electronic test delivery. This appeared to the files submitted from the e-testing platform since this
be successful since, during the January session, only one facility was not yet available in RM Assessor 3™.
centre reported issues which resulted in the candidates
reverting to the paper tests. 11. In addition to the Assessor 3™ sessions, new Examining
Committees (EC) members were trained using online
7. Structured tests and extended essays were electronically Learning and Development Workshops on Standardization
tested for the first time in a January session: six (6) Paper and Marking processes. The workshops and Facilitators
2s and five (5) Paper 3/2s were offered this session. received commendation from the participants.
Anguilla and the BVI continued to submit Paper 1s, Paper
2s and Paper 3/2s electronically. However, there was a 6% 12. CXC® utilised RM® Application Data Manager (ADM) for
decline in the total e-Test sittings. the first time this session. The ADM allowed for more
efficient setting up of the question papers for on-screen
8. Table 2 shows the distribution of candidates and territories marking since it eliminated the need for redacting and
participating in e-testing over the last 3 years. pre-printing copies for the scanning bureau.
No. of Candidate %
Territories Count Change 13. The marking operation progressed reasonably well. Only
2017 7 536 - CSEC® English B and CSEC® English A Paper 3/2 were
2018 9 609 14% marked beyond the scheduled deadline of 12 February
2019 9 572 -6% 2019. Marking was completed by 13 February 2019.
Table 2 Distribution of e-Testing Candidates and Territories
9. Centre supervisors and Local Registrars continued to 14. There continued to be a large proportion of absentees
report improved operational efficiency, better security in many examinations. The rate of absenteeism for
and reduced logistical costs over the paper-based these examinations detracted from the critical objective
administration. No centres opted for the offline modality of offering the opportunity to out-of-school and re-sit
in the January sitting. candidates to improve their qualifications.