Page 14 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 14


            World Class Exams

            Examinations Administration and Security

                                                                            No. of       No. of        No. of
            8.  In support of further adoption of e-Testing and in keeping  TERRITORIES  SUBJECTS    TESTS SAT
               with the Council’s strategy, orientation and training      2018  2019   2018  2019   2018    2019
               sessions continued  for new Ministry Officials  and Chief  CAPE®  13  15  32    32   3913    5447
               Invigilators.  A few onsite sessions were held in Guyana,
                                                                 CSEC®       9     19    31    31   11,214  37,504
               Trinidad, Barbados and Jamaica with key stakeholder
                                                                 CCSLC®      3     3      6     5    666     285
               groups.  At the start of the May-June cycle, training
                                                                                                   15,793  43,236
               sessions  were  supported  by  online  workshops  and
                                                                Table 5 Distribution of e-Testing Candidates and Territories
               webinars to reinforce the required procedures. Several of
               the Centres and Territories which participated in e-Testing
                                                                SBA OPERATIONS
               last year also requested refresher sessions this cycle.
                                                                11.  The updated e-SBA  system was deployed  in February-
                                                                    March 2019 with some minor teething problems. Some
            9.  There was marked improvement in the test publication
                                                                    of the enhancements provided through the updated
               process between the e-QBank and the e-Testing platform
                                                                    application included:
               this cycle.  Other than a minor hiccup with the publication
                                                                    a.  More robust platform and better file uploading
               of the CAPE® Digital Media Paper 020, all tests were
               deployed as planned and started on schedule.  During
                                                                    b.  Better performance under low or weak bandwidth;
               the May-June 2019 session, the LIVE e-Testing platform
               performed well. Minor challenges with failed infrastructure
                                                                    c.  Full enforcement of profile, group and candidate
               (power, internet and devices) were compensated for
                                                                       controls, even while working offline.
               by allocating ‘incident extra-time’ or ad hoc session
               deployment.  In a few cases, candidates reverted to
                                                                    While the feedback was generally positive, initial
               the paper examination.  While the fully-offline mode
                                                                    challenges were faced with some of the reports used to
               was available again this session, it was not used by any
                                                                    identify the required samples, along with the confirmation
                                                                    messages on file uploads.
            10. Table 5 shows for each examination, the distribution of
                                                                12. In order to avoid issues with unknown file formats, a short
               test sessions and territories that participated in e-Testing
                                                                    list of pre-defined subjects were allowed to accept Zipped-
               for the May-June cycle. There was 174% increase in the
                                                                    file uploads. CSEC® Electronic Document Preparation and
               number of examinations sat in electronic mode over May-
                                                                    Management  was not one  of the subjects considered.
               June 2018.
                                                                    As such, centres reported having to upload over twenty
                                                                    individual files for each candidate in the sample.  This
                                                                    matter is being reviewed for the next cycle.

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