Page 16 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 16
World Class Exams
Examinations Administration and Security (EAS)
19. In addition to CSEC® English B, the e-Bookmarking
Category Count
process was extended to CSEC® Caribbean History to
Breach 3
reduce the impact of unanswered optional questions.
Cell phone 23
Cell phone with unruly conduct 1
20. While the suspension rate for CSEC® English A was
Disruptive behaviour 4
reduced this cycle, to about 40%, it remained significantly
Unauthorised material 5
higher than the average that ranges between 0% and
20% in the other e-Marked subjects. Misconduct 11
Grand Total 47
21. At close of scanning, there were 540 missing candidates Table 6 2019 Categories of Irregularity Cases
being resolved. This was a significant improvement (over
75% less) compared with the 2018 session. 25. In light of the persistent allegation regarding leaking of
live tests, plagiarism and misconduct, and, their impact on
22. The challenges with Script Level Additional Objects CXC’s reputation, increased resources will be requested
(SLAOs), Packet Level Additional Objects (PLAOs) still to improve the monitoring capacity; and where possible,
required significant manual effort. Despite reminders Local Registrars will be supported with training for local
to LRs for onward instruction to centre supervisors, Supervisors and Invigilators.
extraneous material was still sent to the scanning bureau.
Given the added costs for processing this additional 26. A ‘taskforce’ has also been created consisting of the
material (scanning or return shipment), consideration may Senior Managers from the Examinations Development
have to be given to passing the additional costs to those and Examinations Administration, the Quality Officer and
who continue to violate the instructions. the Communications Officer to lead the investigation and
development of an appropriate strategic response. The
23. Another area of concern was the number of packets initial findings will be shared with executive management
of scripts shipped to the CXC offices in Jamaica and within two months
Barbados rather than the Scanning Bureau. Of greater
concern was the packing of LIVE Scripts in boxes of used TECHNICAL AND OPERATIONAL CHALLENGES AFFECTING
Question Papers. MARKING
27. The testing and configuration of the platforms in
CASES OF IRREGULARITY preparation for the May-June 2019 session was not as
24. Table 6 summarises the forty-seven (47) cases of smooth as the previous session. The assignment of
irregularity which were reviewed by the relevant sub- markers and the configuration of the marking teams in
committee. Recommendations were presented to FAC Assessor were also delayed early in the cycle due to
and decisions were made in accordance with the Council’s issues with the marker feeds. This negatively impacted
Regulations. the start of standardisation and delayed some marking.
A more robust assignment process is being developed to
eliminate this problem.