Page 18 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 18


            World Class Exams

            Examinations Administration and Security (EAS)

            35. Several issues were reported by schools, many of which  CAPE® SBA Samples
               were a result of persons utilising the system without  37. One hundred and ninety-two (192), (0.18 per cent) of
               referring  to  the  manual  which  was  provided  and  it  has  candidates were reported ungraded “No SBA Sample
               been agreed that CXC will offer training before the next  Received”.   This significant decrease was the result of the
               SBA cycle. There were also some technical issues which  implementation of Random Sampling and the reduction in
               were resolved by the Database Administrator.         the samples required for moderation.

            CAPE® SBA Records                                   38. Table 7 compares the submissions of SBA records and
            36. At the stipulated deadline of 30 June 2019, 100,906  samples over a five-year period.
               (96.40 per cent) of the 104,671 registrants submitted
               their SBA scores, compared to 96.18 per cent in 2018, an  39. FAC agreed and approved the recommendation, in
               improvement in submissions in 2019 of 0.22 per cent.   In  accordance with Procedure 13:4:3 of the Council’s
               2019, the teachers reported that 3,629 (3.47 per cent) of  Regulations for the conduct of the Council’s Examinations
               the candidates did not submit SBAs, compared with 3,854   – Definitions, Regulations and Procedures, to report:
               (3.75 per cent) in 2018.  This was a slight improvement in  “Ungraded: no SBA received”, candidates whose records
               submissions (0.28 per cent) for 2019 when compared to  or samples have not been received as at 30 June 2019;
               2018.   No SBA records were received for 150 candidates  except in cases where there have been documented
               (0.15 per cent).                                     issues submitted previously to CXC and supported by the
                                                                    Local Registrar.  These were accommodated until close of
                                                                    business on 29 July 2019.

                   YEAR                     OUTSTANDING SBA RECORDS                  OUTSTANDING SBA SAMPLES
                                   SBA         No SBA          %           SBA           %        #  of Candidates
                                CANDIDATE       Sub.      No SBA Sub.     Missing     SBA Missing   Not Graded
                                 ENTRIES                                                           (No Samples)
                   2019           104,671       3,629         3.47         150           192           0.18
                   2018           102,854       3,854         3.75          81           607           0.59

                   2017           95,072        3,977         4.01         148           537           0.56
                   2016            101,971      4,426         4.34         106           275           0.26

                   2015           99,892        4,338         4.34          112            31          0.03
            Table 7 Comparison of SBA Records and SBA Samples: 2015–2019

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