Page 22 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 22


            World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications

            Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )

            In Unit 2, the percentage of candidates achieving acceptable   Module 2, Genetics, Variation and Natural Selection, compared
            Grades, I–V, was 93 per cent in 2019 compared with 92   with  2018.  However, there  was  a decline  in candidates’
            per cent in 2018. There was an improvement in candidates’   performance on Module 3, Reproductive Biology. Candidates’
            performance on Module 1, Discrete Mathematics, and Module   best performance was noted on Module 2 and candidates’
            3, Particle Mechanics, this year compared with 2018. However,   weakest performance was noted on Module 3. This was the
            there was a decline in candidates’ performance on Module 2,   first year that Paper 02 was examined using a new format;
            Probability and Distributions. Candidates’ best performance   there was an improvement in candidates’ performance on this
            was noted on Module 1 and candidates’ weakest performance   paper compared with 2018.
            was noted on Module 2.
                                                                In Unit 2, candidates’ performance in 2019 was consistent
            ART AND DESIGN                                      with the performance in 2018. The percentage of candidates
            In Unit 1, candidates’ performance in 2019 was consistent with   achieving acceptable Grades, I-V, was 95 per cent in both
            2018. The percentage of candidates achieving acceptable   2019 and 2018. There was an improvement in candidates’
            Grades, I-V, was 99 per cent in both 2018 and 2019.   performance on Module 2, Biosystems Maintenance, this
            Candidates’ performance across all Modules this year was   year compared with 2018. However, there was a decline
            consistent with 2018.  This was the third year that Paper 01   in candidates’ performance on Module 1, Bioenergetics
            was administered using the Multiple-Choice format and there   and Conservation, and Module 3, Applications of Biology.
            was a marginal decline in candidates’ performance on Paper   Candidates’ best performance was noted on Module 3 and
            01 when compared with 2018.                         candidates’ weakest performance was noted on Module 2.
                                                                This was the first year that Paper 02 was administered using
            In Unit 2, there was a decline in performance in 2019 when   a new format; there was an improvement in candidates’
            compared with 2018. Ninety-eight per cent of the candidates   performance on this paper compared with 2018.
            achieved acceptable Grades, I–V, compared with 100 per cent
            in 2018. There was a decline in candidates’ performance across   BUILDING AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DRAWING
            all Modules this year compared with 2018. Candidates’ weakest   Option A
            performance was noted on Module 3, Creative Projects. This   In Unit 1, 93 per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable
            was the second year that Paper 01 was administered using   Grades,  I—V.  In  Unit  2, 90  per  cent  of  candidates  achieved
            the Multiple-Choice format and there was a marginal decline   acceptable grades.  The performance on Unit 1, Paper 01,
            in candidates’ performance on Paper 01 compared with 2018.   was reasonable, with 93 per cent of candidates achieving
                                                                acceptable grades. Similarly, in Unit 2, Paper 01, 94 per cent
            BIOLOGY                                             of candidates achieved  acceptable Grades, I–V. There  was
            In Unit 1, candidates’ performance in 2019 was consistent   an improved performance on Unit 1, Paper 02 compared with
            with the performance in 2018. The percentage of candidates   2018, with 29 per cent of the candidates achieving acceptable
            achieving acceptable Grades, I–V, was 89 per cent in both   grades. However, there was a decline in performance on
            2019 and 2018. There was an improvement in candidates’   Unit 2, Paper 02 compared with 2018, with 21 per cent of the
            performance on Module 1, Cell and Molecular Biology, and   candidates achieving acceptable grades.

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