Page 17 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 17
World Class Exams
Examinations Administration and Security (EAS)
28. An updated application interface that automated the 32. The marking operation was substantially completed by
downloading of scores from the marking platform was 27 July 2019. While this was earlier than last May-June
deployed this year. The application was used successfully 2018 cycle, it still did not allow sufficient time for detailed
with SBA scores but had to be paused during the loading analysis of some subjects prior to SAC meetings. The
of Paper 2s for minor bugs to be fixed. Once the defects team will continue to review the internal processes and
were corrected, the application was restarted and procedures in an effort to improve efficiency and quality
continued to function as specified. of the core operations.
29. Due to the late completion of the CAPE® Performing Arts, SUBMISSION OF CAPE® AND CSEC® SCHOOL BASED
CAPE® Financial Services Studies and CAPE® Green ASSESSMENT RECORDS AND SAMPLES
Engineering Question Papers, candidate scripts had to CAPE®
be scanned in-house and loaded via the e-Course Work 33. The Local Registrars were reminded via email
option. The scripts thus had to be presented as ‘whole communication of the deadlines for the submission of the
script’ for marking, and as such required duplication of the SBA records and samples. Local Registrars, Permanent
loading process. Secretaries and Chief Education Officers were also
reminded that no SBA samples or scores would be
30. There was significant improvement in the average accepted after the absolute deadline of 30 June 2019;
response time on Help Desk services during the peak and that candidates for whom no SBA Scores or SBA
marking period. The first response time was recorded at samples were received, would be reported “Ungraded:
under two and a half hours and the average time to ticket no SBA received”.
closure ranged from five to twelve hours depending on
category. Revision of the helpdesk and support strategy 34. The Council deployed an upgraded version of the SBA
will continue in order to reduce the time to closure to one Component of the ORS which provided greater flexibility
business day. for the submission of scores and electronic samples.
Users were able to upload scores via a pre-populated
31. The use of a single SBA submission for CSEC® spreadsheet, a feature which was welcomed by teachers
Economics, CSEC® Principle of Business and CSEC® with large numbers of students. The upload of samples
Principles of Accounts proved challenging because the was also improved since the process included a “drag
candidates’ intention was not captured at Registration. and drop” feature for moving files from storage to the
The Registration Options (paper configuration) will be ORS; and users were also able to view the files which
updated to enforce the declaration at the time of the next were uploaded and could verify that the correct file was
Registration cycle. submitted. The Council also defined the types of files
which could be uploaded for each subject.