Page 13 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
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World Class Exams
Examinations Administration and Security (EAS)
ADMINISTRATION 5. These matters were brought to the attention of the Local
2. The May-June 2019 session commenced on 15 April 2019 Registrars who indicated investigations had already been
with the oral and practical examinations for CSEC® and launched into some of the incidents and they committed
CAPE®. The first major written examination was sat on 6 to expanding their investigations where additional
May 2019 when CSEC® Electronic Document Preparation information was provided. Trinidad and Tobago provided
and Management Paper 020 was administered in detailed reports through the office of the Chief Education
electronic mode only. Where there were severe device Officer, while Jamaica’s reports were submitted though
and infrastructure constraints, centres opted to complete the office of the Director of the Overseas Examinations
the examination in offline mode. Approximately 45% of Commission.
the candidates writing this test were able to complete the
examination online without incident. Less than 15% of the 6. Based on the reports received, the incidents were traced
population experienced severe challenges submitting to poor supervision which permitted a small group of
files and required re-submission outside the e-Testing candidates to be able to breach examination regulations
platform. During the examination, Antigua and Barbuda with the following results:
experienced an island-wide power outage, however, a. Removal of the Multiple Choice Question Papers
power was restored quickly enough for candidates to from the examination room after the examinations;
complete their submissions. b. Unruly behaviour during the sitting of the Paper 020
examination; and
3. Minor question paper packing errors were reported c. Possession of prohibited devices in the examinations
by centres in Trinidad and Tobago, Dominica and St. room and using the same devices to record and
Maarten, while several territories required top-ups due broadcast from the test centre.
to late amendments. Overall, these issues were resolved
before test day and hence had no effect on candidates. 7. The Final Awards Committee penalised the candidates
who were proven to be participants in any misconduct.
4. On 16 May 2019, information of an alleged breach reached One Ministry disciplined the Supervisor who facilitated
the Council via email and social media with media clips or the misconduct.
links to clips being shared. It was being alleged that the
CSEC® Mathematics examination was breached and that
the 2019 tests were in circulation ahead of the scheduled
examinations. With assistance from the Communications
team, CXC was able to trace the incidents to test centres
in Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica.