Page 9 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 9

World Class Exams

            Examinations Administration and Security (EAS)

            The training of Examining Committee members continued   EXAMINATION PAPERS
            for new members and those not yet trained as the facilitators   3.  The Caribbean Examinations Council continued to
            conducted sessions designed not only to build capacity on   make effective use of visual material such as diagrams,
            the marking tool, but also to enhance their preparation of   graphs and tables on examination papers for a number
            examinations and marking instructions for electronic delivery.   of subjects, including Human and Social Biology, and
                                                                    Information Technology.
            REGISTRATION SUMMARY JANUARY SITTING                4.  The Technical Awards Committee (TAC) proposed that
            1.   There was a significant decline in the entries for the   both teaching and assessment should focus on the
               January 2019 sitting: 29 per cent in the candidate entries   development of higher order skills which would be
               and 24 per cent in the subject entries.              beneficial for both further studies and employment.   TAC
                                                                    also recommended that in revising syllabuses, there
            2.  Table 1 and the chart below show the registration summary   should be a clear emphasis on the requirement to focus
               2015 - 2019                                          on higher order skills and that subject examinations
                                                                    should focus, increasingly, on the assessment of such

                      Candidate    %       Subject     %
                       Entries   Change    Entries  Change
              2015     18,679        --    40,941        --

              2016     18,520       -1%   39,623       -3%

              2017      16,561     -11%   34,570      -13%

              2018     20,088      21%    40,654       18%

              2019      14,215    -29%     31,003     -24%
            Table 1                                             Figure 1
                                       Comparison of January Registration Summary: 2015–2019

   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14