Page 25 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 25

World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications

            Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )

            Module 1, Power Machines and Systems, and Module 3, Power   FINANCIAL SERVICES STUDIES
            Generation Engineering.  However, performance on Module   In 2019, 73 per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable
            2, Introduction to Renewable Energy Systems improved   Grades, I–V, compared with  55 per cent  in 2018.  There
            compared with 2018.                                 was a marked improvement  in performance  on Paper 01,
                                                                the Multiple-Choice Paper, Paper 02, the Essay Paper and
            ENTREPRENEURSHIP                                    Paper 03, the School-Based Assessment. On Paper 032, the
            In 2019, the performance of candidates in Unit 1 was consistent   Alternate to the School-Based Assessment, which was written
            with 2018, with 98 per cent of candidates achieving acceptable   for the first time, a mean score of 57 per cent was achieved.
            grades in both years. Performance improved on Module 2, The   There was also a marked improvement on all three modules,
            Entrepreneurial Process, while it was consistent on Module 1,   Module 1, Introduction to Financial Products and Services,
            The Entrepreneurial Mindset, and Module 3, Creativity and   Module 2, Portfolio Management and Investment and Module
            Innovation.                                         3, Governance, Regulations and Ethics.

            In Unit 2, there was also consistent performance with 98 per   In Unit 2, only thirteen candidates wrote the Unit 2 examination
            cent of the candidates achieving the acceptable Grades, I–V,   in 2019. All of the candidates earned the acceptable grades,
            in both 2018 and 2019.  Performance improved on Module 3,   I–V.  As in Unit 1, there was a marked improvement in
            Managing and Growing the Venture, and remained consistent   performance over all the papers, Paper 01, the Multiple-Choice
            on Modules 1 and 2, Essentials of Business Ownership and   Paper, Paper 02, the Essay Paper and Paper 03, the School-
            New Venture Planning and Creation, respectively.    Based Assessment. There was also a marked improvement
                                                                on all three modules, Module 1, Offshore Financial Services
            ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE                               Environment, Module 2, Compliance, Legislation and Statutes
            In Unit 1, 97 per cent of candidates achieved acceptable   and Module 3, Financial Reporting.
            Grades, I–V, in 2019 compared with 96 per cent in 2018.
            Candidates’ performance on all three modules was consistent.  FOOD AND NUTRITION
                                                                In Unit 1, the overall performance in 2019 was very good.
            In Unit 2, 96 per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable   Ninety-four per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable
            Grades, I–V, compared with 98 per cent in 2018. Candidates   Grades, I–V, in 2019 compared with 97 per cent in 2018.
            performed best on Module 1, Agriculture and the Environment   Candidates performed best on Module 2, Food Selection and
            and Module 2, Energy and the Environment.           Planning.

            The overall quality of the School-Based Assessment in both   In Unit 2, overall performance in 2019 was also very good.
            Units continues to show improvement.                Ninety-nine per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable
                                                                Grades, I–V, compared with 98 per cent in 2018. Candidates’
                                                                performance on all three modules: Module 1, Caribbean
                                                                Food Ways and Food Systems, Module 2, Food Science and
                                                                Technology and Module 3, Food Preparation, Service and
                                                                Management was consistent over the two years.

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