Page 28 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 28


            World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications

            Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )

            of the candidates achieved Grades A–E compared with 94 per   improvement over the performance of 2018, where 92 per cent
            cent in 2018. Performance on Module 3, Prose Fiction, was   achieved acceptable grades. There was also an improvement
            similar to Module 1 as the number of candidates who achieved   in the mean score for Papers 01, 02 and 031 when compared
            Grades A–E remained the same over the 2 years.  Ninety per   with 2018 and in the mean score for Module 1, Production and
            cent of the candidates achieved Grades A–E, on Module 3,   Operations Management.
            over the period.
                                                                PERFORMING ARTS
            LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN OPERATIONS               Unit 1–Business for the Arts
            In Unit 1, there was an improvement in the overall performance   Candidates’ performance in 2019 was consistent with that
            of candidates, with 92 per cent of candidates achieving   of 2018. Ninety-seven per cent of the candidates achieved
            acceptable Grades, I–V, compared with 89 per cent in 2018.   acceptable Grades, I–V, compared with 98 per cent in 2018.
            An improvement in performance  was evident on Module 1,
            Logistics and its Role in the Economy, and Module 2, Supply   Performance on Module 1, Business Feasibility, increased from
            Chain and the Global Economy. Candidate performance,   97 per cent of the candidates earning Grades A–E in 2018
            however, declined on Module 3, Customer Service in Shipping   to 100 per cent in 2019. Performance on Module 2, Business
            and Port Operations.                                Development and Planning and Module 3, Project Planning for
                                                                the Arts, was consistent with 97 per cent of the candidates in
            In Unit 2, there was an improvement in the overall performance   2019 and 2018 achieving acceptable grades.
            of candidates with 81 per cent achieving acceptable Grades,
            I–V, compared with 79 per cent in 2018. An improvement in   Unit 2 Option A–Cinematic Arts
            performance  was  noted  on  Module  1,  Commercial  Shipping   Fifteen candidates registered for the examination in 2019
            and Module 2, Port Operations. However, there was a decline   compared with 1 in 2018. One hundred per cent of the
            in performance in Module 3, Logistics Transforming Economies.  candidates in each year earned acceptable grades. In 2019, 13
                                                                candidates achieved grades as follows: 1 candidate achieved
            MANAGEMENT OF BUSINESS                              Grade I, 10 achieved Grade II and 2, Grade III.
            The percentage of candidates achieving acceptable Grades,
            I–V, in Unit 1 was 89 per cent, a decline in performance   Unit 2 Option B–Dance
            compared with 2018 when 94 per cent of candidates achieved   Overall performance in 2019 remained consistent with 2018
            Grades I–V. There was also a decline in the mean score   with 100 per cent of the candidates achieving acceptable
            for Paper 02, the Structured Essay, when compared to the   grades. This performance was also seen in all three modules:
            previous year, as well as on the mean score for Module 1,   Module 1, History and the Dancing Body, Module 2, Technique
            Business and its Environment.                       and Performance Skills, and Module 3, Choreography and
                                                                Performance.   No candidate achieved Grade I in 2019
            In Unit 2, the percentage of candidates achieving acceptable   compared with 2 candidates in 2018. In 2019, all candidates
            Grades, I–V, was 94 per cent. This reflects a moderate   achieved either Grade II or III.

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