Page 29 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 29

World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications

            Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )

            Unit 2 Option C–Drama                               PHYSICS
            Ninety-seven per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable   This was the first examination of the revised syllabus. While
            Grades, I–V, in 2019 compared with 100 per cent in 2018.    there were no changes to the structure of Paper 01, Paper
            There was an increase in the number of candidates achieving   02 now consists of three questions, each worth 30 marks. In
            Grade I from 17 per cent in 2018 to 20 per cent in 2019.  addition, Paper 032 is now marked out of 45 marks.

            In Module 1, Caribbean Theatre and the World, 97 per cent   In Unit 1, the overall performance of candidates was consistent
            of the candidates achieved Grades A–E in 2018 and 2019.   with that of 2018, with 96 per cent of the candidates achieving
            One hundred per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable   acceptable Grades, I–V. There was an improved performance
            Grades, I–V, in Module 2, Forming the Performer, in 2018   on Module 3, Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Matter.
            and 2019. In Module 3, The Art of Performance, 98 per cent   Candidate performance, however, declined on Module 1,
            of the candidates achieved acceptable Grades, I–V, in 2019   Mechanics, and on Module 2, Oscillations and Waves.
            compared with in 2018.
                                                                In Unit 2, there was a marginal decline in the overall
            Unit 2 Option D–Music                               performance of candidates, with 96 per cent of the candidates
            Fourteen  candidates  completed  the  Music  option  in  2019.   achieving acceptable Grades, I–V, compared with 97 per cent
            One hundred per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable   in 2018. There was an improved performance on Module 1,
            grades. In 2019, candidates achieved grades as follows: 2   Electricity and Magnetism. Candidate performance, however,
            candidates achieved Grade I; 6 achieved Grade II; 4 achieved   declined on Module 2, AC Theory and on Module 3, Atomic
            Grade III and 2 achieved Grade IV.                  and Nuclear Physics.

            PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT                        PURE MATHEMATICS
            In Unit 1, overall performance in 2019 was consistent with 2018,   In 2019, 75 per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable
            with 98 per cent of candidates achieving acceptable Grades,   Grades, I-V, in Unit 1, compared with 71 per cent in 2018.  The
            I–V, in 2019 and 99 per cent in 2018.  Candidates’ performance   mean on Paper 01, the Multiple-Choice Paper, was consistent
            on all three modules: Module 1, Functional Anatomy and   with 2018 while there was an improved mean on Paper 02, the
            Training Theory, Module 2, Sociological Aspects of Sport and   Extended Response Paper.
            Module 3, Sport Psychology, was consistent with 2018.
                                                                In Unit 2, 88 per cent of the candidates achieved acceptable
            In Unit 2, overall performance in 2019 was also consistent   grades compared with 85 per cent in 2018.   There were
            with that of 2018 with 99 per cent of candidates achieving   improved means on both Paper 01, the Multiple-Choice Paper
            acceptable  Grades,  I–V,  in  both  years.    Candidates’   and Paper 02, the Extended Response Paper.
            performance on all three modules:  Module 1, Biomechanics,
            Module 2, Sport Management and Module 3, Technology and   In  both Units,  while  candidates  achieved  higher  means on
            Innovation was consistent with 2018.                Modules 1 and 2, the performance on Module 3 declined
                                                                compared with 2018.

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