Page 42 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 42
World Class Exams – Suite of Qualifications
Revised CXC®-AD Consequently, the Revised CXC-AD® Handbook is applicable
The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) introduced the to all candidates who sit their first set of CAPE® Units starting
CXC Associate Degree (CXC®-AD) in 2005 in response to with the May–June 2019 examination session. Candidates are
the changing educational demands of the region. The CXC now required to:
Associate Degree is based on clusters of subjects taken (a) pursue 10 CAPE® Units instead of eight for
by candidates for the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency certification; and,
Examination® (CAPE®). The CXC®-AD enables persons to (b) select specified courses from four categories -
select for study, subjects that will meet specific requirements General Education Requirements, Core Courses,
for work and for further education. The CXC®-AD was first Adjunct/Supporting Courses and Electives to meet
revised in 2014 to improve its relevance as we continue to the requirements for certification.
meet the changing needs of the region’s learners and labour
force. Additionally, the General Education requirements were revised
to allow for the acceptance of CAPE® Pure and Applied
In August 2017, the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ) Mathematics Units in lieu of CAPE® Integrated Mathematics.
conducted a review of the CXC®-AD that revealed that the
CXC®-AD is a higher education qualification with an overall In taking the decision to award Associate Degrees, the Council
credit value of 48 credit hours or a maximum credit weighting recognises the need for close collaboration among institutions
of six credit hours per CAPE® Unit. The UCJ recommended in the region to provide articulated programmes of study. This
that the Council align the CXC®-AD with the UCJ Tertiary articulation is necessary in order to facilitate the transfer of
Qualification Framework (TQF) and increase the credit value credits and to increase opportunity for more persons to obtain
to 60 credit hours. The UCJ also advised that the receiving tertiary education through collaborative and cost-effective
institution may grant advanced standing to candidates strategies. The Council will, therefore, continue to work
awarded the CXC®-AD depending on the alignment of the closely with institutions in the region to identify equivalencies
CAPE® Unit to the course offered by the receiving institution. in programmes so that persons with a CXC®-AD will benefit
The revised CXC®-AD, which responds to concerns raised from advantaged placement when entering other degree
in the UCJ Report and issues raised by stakeholders, was programmes.
approved by SUBSEC in October 2018 for immediate release.