Page 43 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 43

World Class Exams – Syllabus Development

            Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )

            NEWLY DEVELOPED SYLLABUS                            The following is a summary of the actions taken:
            A panel meeting was held in May 2019. The panellists reviewed   (a) Revision and refinement of the General Objectives for all
            and revised all General Objectives,  and Specific Objectives   Sections.
            in an effort to clarify them. The content for some Specific   (b) Clarification and elaboration of Specific Objectives and
            Objectives were updated to ensure that the breadth and depth   Content.
            to which the knowledge and skills in each Module should be   (c)  Revision of the Suggested Teaching and Learning
            covered  was  clear.  The  suggested  Teaching  and  Learning   Activities.
            Activities were also reviewed and revised for all Modules of the   (d) Changing the format of Paper 01 from a short-answer
            syllabus. The activities were designed to help teachers cater   paper to one that consists of 45 multiple-choice items for
            to the different learning styles. The Resources were updated   each Unit and Option.
            for all the Modules.  The Specimen paper is being worked on.
                                                                The  final  draft  of  the  syllabus  along  with  the  specimen
            The final draft of the syllabus, along with specimen examination   examination papers, keys and mark schemes were approved
            papers, keys and mark schemes, will be submitted to SUBSEC   by SUBSEC in April 2019. The approved syllabus and copies
            in April 2020 for approval. If approved the syllabus and copies   of the specimen examination papers, keys and mark schemes
            of the specimen examination papers, keys and mark schemes   were distributed to schools in May–June 2019, for first
            will be released to schools for teaching in September 2021, for   examination in May–June 2020.
            first examination in May–June 2022.
                                                                SYLLABUSES UNDER REVIEW
            AMENDED SYLLABUS                                    ACCOUNTING
            PERFORMING ARTS                                     The Review Committee for CAPE® Accounting, at its meeting
            At its meeting held in 2017, the Panel reviewed all aspects of   held 28-30 October 2019, revised all aspects of the syllabus to
            the syllabus, with the main aim of delineating the knowledge,   enhance the components and to ensure compliance with the
            skills and competencies, that students should be reasonably   policies of the Council. The Committee analysed stakeholders’
            expected to demonstrate. The Panel particularly revisited the   comments and concerns as expressed in questionnaires,
            Specific Objectives to ensure that they adequately  reflect   interviews and reports, evaluated candidates’ performance in
            the expected competencies, knowledge and attitudes of   the examinations and proposed amendments to the syllabus
            the students; the Content areas were revised to ensure that   and examinations in light of their comments, concerns, students’
            they were clearly elaborated and that they were current and   performance as well as the Council’s policy requirements.
            relevant; and the Assessment Outline was refined to ensure
            that Paper 01 is psychometrically robust and conforming to the
            policy of Council which stipulates that all Paper 01s comprise
            of Multiple-Choice items.

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