Page 44 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 44


            World Class Exams – Syllabus Development

            Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )

            The Review committee recommended that the Panel     Consequently, for unit 1 Module 1 for example, Specific Objective
            considered the revision of the Rationale and Aim and General   5 was further delineated to create 4 Specific Objectives to more
            Objectives to ensure they were reflecting the relevant Twenty-  effectively delimit the scope of the Content.  These changes
            first Century skills, attributes of the Ideal Caribbean Person, the   also resulted in a reordering in the sequence of the Specific
            UNESCO Pillars of Learning and other areas for consideration   Objectives in the Module. Consequently, Specific Objective 6
            based on the political, philosophical and psychological   and 7 are now 9 and 10 respectively. Specific Objectives in Unit
            considerations for syllabus development.            2, Module 1 were also reorganized for more effective sequencing
                                                                of the Content. For example, Specific Objectives 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 4
            The Rationale was adjusted to include the recommended   and 5 in the existing syllabus are now Specific Objectives 4, 5, 6,
            approach  to  teaching  the  syllabus as  well  as  relevant   7, 8, 9 and 10 respectively in the proposed syllabus. Additionally,
            characteristics  of the Ideal Caribbean person in paragraph   the IFRS Standard was updated from 2009 to 2015 and the IAS
            5- Through the use of a learner-centered teaching and  Standards was removed new and content added to adequately
            assessment approaches, students are offered the opportunity   delineate the scope of the content.
            to acquire a variety of experiences in the fundamentals of
            Accounting... Such a person will value team work, demonstrate   They recommended  the revision of Suggested Teaching  and
            independent and critical thinking and a strong appreciation of   Learning Activities in each Module of the syllabus to provide
            moral issues including responsibility for and accountability to   high levels of authentic engagement of the learners and to focus
            self and community                                  on helping them to develop critical Twenty-first Century skills
                                                                while catering to their divergent needs. They also suggested
            The General Objective “develop an appreciation for the impact   the revision of and updating of, the list of print and electronic
            of ethics and moral values on financial reporting” was also   resources  to  ensure  relevance  and  currency  which  were
            added to Unit 1 (General Objective 4) to effectively support the   accepted and adjustments made.
            existing Content, and related activities which focus on morals
            and ethics.                                         Additionally, the Review Committee recommended the review
                                                                of the requirements of the School-Based Assessment (SBA)
            The clarification and elaboration of the Specific Objectives and   and the associated assessment instruments as well as the
            content of the syllabus was done to more effectively delineate   revision of the Paper 032, the Alternative to the SBA, to ensure
            the scope for the knowledge and skills to be covered in each   greater alignment to the skills assessed in the Paper 031 and to
            Module and to ensure they can be clearly operationalised in the   reduce the number of items from 9 to 6 for Unit 2, Paper 032,
            examination development process.  This was also prioritised   in response to the policy requirements. They also suggested
            to ensure adequate demand of the Modules for both Units   revising the instructions and mark scheme, especially as it
            and the inclusion of more current and relevant content areas,   relates to the requirements of the SBA and the Alternative to the
            to include emerging trends, ethical and moral considerations   SBA, so as to provide greater clarity and guidance to candidates
            among others; while delimiting the content to ensure teachers   and teachers and the external assessment tasks to ensure that
            are sufficiently guided was also recommended.       the items are at the appropriate level of demand, clearly aligned
                                                                to the Specific Objectives, and to ensure that the items on Paper
                                                                2 encourage greater application of Twenty-first Century skills.

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