Page 46 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 46
World Class Exams – Syllabus Development
Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE )
The revised syllabus was disseminated to subject specialists The CAPE® Digital Media course will facilitate
and a sample of teachers and the responses were analysed the development of critical thinking skills, foster
and used to inform the finalising of the Syllabus at the Panel communication skills and creativity, encourage innovation
Meetings which were held in October and December 2018. and entrepreneurship, provide opportunities for students
The Panel revised all the components of the CAPE® Computer to integrate their experiences and application of science
Science Syllabus such as the Rationale, to ensure that it and technology to solve problems and inculcate a sense
was compliant with the Policy, philosophical, political and of value in students for their own work and respect and
psychological principles embraced by the Council, the Aims regard for the work of others. The syllabus will also equip
and General Objectives to ensure alignment with the focus students for further studies and for the world of work.
of the Rationale, the Specific Objectives and Content to
ensure they appropriately delineated the breadth and depth The syllabus will foster the development of multiple
of content coverage currency and relevance for each Module. literacies and will also help students to develop
intellectually and refine their judgments.
The Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities were also
revised to improve the quality of guidance provided for Through the use of learner-centred teaching and
teachers as well as to ensure that they catered to the divergent assessment approaches, students are offered the
needs of the learners. Another Panel Meeting to complete the opportunity to acquire a variety of experiences and skills
development of the Assessment component is scheduled for in the areas of digital media conceptualization, innovation,
3-6 December, 2019. design and development.
The final draft of the syllabus along with the Specimen The Committee also analysed comments and concerns as
Examination Papers, Keys and Mark Schemes will be submitted expressed in questionnaires and subject specialists reports
to SUBSEC in April 2020, requesting approval to complete the in interviews, evaluated candidates’ performance in the
revision of the syllabus. If the request is approved the syllabus examinations and recommended syllabus amendments in light
and copies of the Specimen Examination Papers, Keys and of these comments and concerns. Consequently, changes
Mark Schemes will be distributed to schools in September were made to Aims and General Objectives. These were
2020, for first examination in May–June 2021. designed to better support the scope of the Module.
DIGITAL MEDIA Specific Objectives were also revised, reordered or developed
The Review Committee met in April 2018 to review the CAPE to for better alignment with the Aims and General Objectives
Digital Media Syllabus to more effectively reflect the theoretical and the enhance the scope of the content. For example,
and philosophical perspectives which the Council promotes. Specific Objective 9, describe types of digital media businesses
Particular attention was given to the gaps identified in the was revised to read evaluate the impact of digital media on
Rationale and to reinforce the importance of ensuring that the businesses and organisations, and supporting Content added.
other elements in the syllabus reflected a stronger alignment to Some of the new topics that were added to the syllabus include
the claims articulated in the Rationale. The following changes Cloud Base Computing, Social Media, Ethics, Copyright, Ethical
were made to the Rationale: considerations, and Budgeting.