Page 51 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 51
World Class Exams – Syllabus Development
Caribbean Certificate Of Secondary Level Competence
At its meeting held in October 2016, SUBSEC received the At its meeting held in November 2018, the Panel reviewed
Concept Paper for the Development of the CCSLC® Digital all aspects of the syllabus, with the main aim of delineating
Literacy syllabus. Permission was granted and a Working the competencies, knowledge and attitudes that students
Committee was approved. The Working Committee meeting might reasonably be expected to demonstrate. The Panel also
to facilitate the process was held in November to December revisited the Specific Objectives to ensure that they adequately
2017. The Working Committee recommended changes to the reflect the expected competencies, knowledge and attitudes
suggestions in the Concept Paper which included renaming of the students; revisited the Content areas to ensure that they
some of the Modules, revising aspects of the Rationale to were clearly delineated, current and relevant; and refined the
facilitate better alignment with the beliefs of the Council and Assessment Outline and SBA tasks to ensure that the critical
revising all other components of the document developed language skills are optimally assessed.
by the Working Committee for better alignment and to better
respond to the needs of the target group. The following is a summary of the actions taken:
a. Revision of the Generic and Subject-Specific
Additionally, the Assessment component was outlined. The Competencies, Outcomes of the Curriculum and the
first Panel meeting was held 11–14 September to develop Main Elements of the Curriculum. The list of Generic
the first draft of the Syllabus, to refine the framework for Competencies was amended to include creativity and
the assessment component as proposed by the Working innovation, flexibility and adaptability, diversity awareness,
Committee, and to develop the assessment for the syllabus. information, communications and technology literacy,
The Draft Syllabus was submitted to SUBSEC for approval in environmental literacy and health, safety and wellness
October 2018. The first draft was then circulated to subject literacy. Some of the existing literacies were re-phrased to
specialists and a sample of teachers for feedback. ensure that they better align with how they are referenced
in the common set of Twenty-first Century Skills and
A second Panel Meeting was held in November 2018, to Wagner’s Survival Skills. In addition, Digital Literacy was
refine the draft syllabus guided by the responses from the added to the list of Subject-Specific Competencies.
subject matter specialists and teachers and in keeping with b. Revision of the Rationale, Aims and General Objectives to
the requirements of the Council, to also refine the assessment ensure that the attributes of the Ideal Caribbean Citizen,
component. The first draft of the syllabus, along with Specimen UNESCO Pillars of Learning, the Twenty-first Century Skills
Examination Papers, Keys and Mark Schemes will be submitted and the role of technology are appropriately integrated.
to SUBSEC for approval to complete the development of the c. Refinement and elaboration of Specific Objectives to
syllabus in April 2019. The CCSLC Digital Literacy Syllabus was ensure that the Specific Objectives individually target one
approved by SUBSEC June, 2019 and the final draft of the behaviour, except in cases where the use of two verbs is
syllabus and copies of the Specimen Examination Papers, Keys unavoidable.
and Mark Schemes were distributed to schools in September
2019, for first examination in May–June 2021.