Page 53 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 53

World Class Exams – Syllabus Development

            Caribbean Certificate Of Secondary Level Competence


            Specific Objective was deleted as it was already subsumed   For Module 5, one new Specific Objective was written and a
            in another objective. Changes were made to the Content,   few changes were made to the Content, Suggested Teaching
            Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities and Assessment   and Learning Activities and Assessment. The suggested List of
            for all the modules where they were deemed necessary. The   Resources was also updated.
            suggested List of Resources was also updated.
                                                                The final draft of the  CCSLC® Mathematics  Syllabus and
            The final draft of the CCSLC® Integrated Science Syllabus and   Specimen Paper and answer key will be presented to the April
            Specimen Paper and answer key will be presented to the April   2020 SUBSEC with effect for teaching from September 2020
            2020 SUBSEC with effect for teaching from September 2020   and for examinations in May-June 2022.
            and for examinations in May-June 2022.
                                                                SOCIAL STUDIES
            MATHEMATICS                                         At its meeting  held in  November 2018,  the Panel reviewed
            A panel meeting was held in May 2019. The panellists reviewed   all aspects of the syllabus, with the main aim of delineating
            and refined all aspects of the draft syllabus. Each module was   the competencies, knowledge and attitudes that students
            carefully reviewed to ensure that the depth and scope of the   might  reasonably  be  expected  to  demonstrate.  The  Panel
            Specific Objectives and the Content were clear. While no   also revisited the Specific Objectives to ensure that they
            Specific Objective was deleted and no new one was added to   adequately  reflect  the  expected  competencies,  knowledge
            Module 1, several of the related Content for different Specific   and attitudes of the students; revisited the Content areas to
            Objectives along with the Suggested Teaching and Learning   ensure that they were clearly delineated, current and relevant;
            Activities and Assessment were revised.             and refined the Assessment Outline and SBA tasks to ensure
                                                                that the critical language skills are optimally assessed.
            In  Module  2, four  Specific  Objectives were  rewritten.  The
            relevant Content was added as there was none in the draft   The following is a summary of the actions taken:
            document. An additional Assessment activity was also   (a)  Revision of the Rationale to ensure  it appropriately
            included. For Module 3, one new Specific Objective 4, identify   reflects the attributes of the Ideal Caribbean Person, the
            plane shapes based on the number of sides, was written to   Twenty-first Century Skills and the approach to teaching
            precede the now Specific Objective 5, state the properties of   and learning which are fundamental to the syllabus.
            a given plane shape, as the members of the Panel were of the
            opinion that the students must be able to identify plane shapes   (b)  Revision of the Aims, to ensure that they are written in
            before they can state the properties.                   keeping with sound curriculum development principles.

            The Content for all the Specific Objectives in the Module   (c)  Revision of the General Objectives and development of
            were either revised or rewritten and some of the Suggested   new General Objectives to ensure appropriate coverage
            Teaching and Learning Activities and Assessment activities   of the scope of the syllabus.
            were modified. Most of the changes in Module 4 were made to
            the Content, the Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities
            and Assessment in an effort to clarify the Specific Objectives.

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