Page 52 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 52
World Class Exams – Syllabus Development
Caribbean Certificate Of Secondary Level Competence
d. Inclusion of more current and relevant context areas such “This programme will foster the development of Twenty-first (21 )
as referencing, responsibilities of citizens, constitutions Century skills such as creativity, collaboration, communication,
and convention on rights and school and community problem solving, critical thinking and innovation. It encourages
restoration. the use of a variety of teaching, learning and assessment
e. Revision of Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities in strategies to develop the aforementioned skills while catering
each Module of the syllabus to add clarity to the Context to multiple intelligences and different learning styles. This
as well as to help teachers better integrate technology, course of study also incorporates the features of Science,
cater to diversity among learners and to stimulate and Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering (STEM) principles.
maintain interest in the subject area.
f. Revision of the requirements for the SBA tasks to ensure On completion of this programme, learners will have a solid
essential skills such as resume development, creative foundation for further studies as well as to function efficiently in
writing and referencing are being assessed. their everyday lives.” Aim 5, appreciate the need to contribute
g. Revision of the Suggested Formative Assessment Tasks to sustainable development through living in harmony with
to ensure that teachers have a greater appreciation of the environment was revised to read, increase awareness of
the diverse ways in which they can continuously assess the need to contribute to sustainable development through
students’ learning. living in harmony with the environment. A new Aim 7, integrate
emerging Information, Communication and Technological (ICT)
The final draft of the syllabus along with the specimen tools and skills was also written to bring them in line with the
examination papers, keys and mark schemes will be submitted Rationale. The Competencies to Be Assessed was revised
for approval by SUBSEC in 2020. to include Knowledge and Comprehension, and Use of
Knowledge. The competence Observation and Reporting was
INTEGRATED SCIENCE changed to Observation, Recording and Reporting. All these
A panel meeting was held in May 2019. The panellists changes were made to mirror the skills and profiles that are
reviewed and refined all aspects of the draft syllabus. Changes assessed in the science subjects at the CSEC® and CAPE®
were made to the Rationale, Aims, and Competencies to Be levels, with the exception of Human and Social Biology which
Assessed. The Rationale was revised to reflect the thrust in does not place a heavy emphasis on the assessment of the
developing the Twenty-first century skills, the incorporation of experimental skills.
Science, Technology, Mathematics, and Engineering (STEM)
principles and the importance of the suggested teaching, Each module was carefully reviewed to ensure that General
learning and assessment strategies. This is captured in Objectives included covered the cognitive, psychomotor and
paragraph two of the Rationale and reads: affective domains and the depth and scope of the Specific
Objectives and the Content were clear. Three new Specific
Objectives were added to Module 1, Working Like a Scientist
and the Specific Objectives under the topic were rearranged
into a more logical teaching sequence. In Module 4, one