Page 54 - 2019 CXC Annual Report Flipbook
P. 54


            World Class Exams – Syllabus Development

            Caribbean Certificate Of Secondary Level Competence


            (d) Clarification, elaboration and development of Specific  (i)  Revision of the List of Resources to include current print
               Objectives and Content to adequately reflect effective  and electronic sources.
               sequencing, appropriate cognitive demand and the scope
               of the syllabus.                                 The  final  draft  of  the  syllabus  along  with  the  specimen
                                                                examination papers, keys and mark schemes will be submitted
            (e) Revision of Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities in  for approval by SUBSEC in 2020.
               each Module of the syllabus to facilitate the development
               of the desired knowledge, skills and attitudes, and
               the effective engagement of the learners through the
               promotion of a more interactive and practical approach to
               teaching the concepts, while catering to diversity among

            (f)  Revision of the Assessment components to ensure that
               they meet the criteria of good assessment and target the
               generic competencies.

            (g) Expansion of the generic competencies to include
               areas  such  as  diversity  awareness,  information,
               communications and technology literacy, creativity and
               innovation, environmental literacy and health, safety
               and wellness literacy. Amendment of the list of Subject
               Specific Skills, the Outcomes of the Curriculum and the
               Main Elements of the Curriculum in the syllabus to reflect
               the  recommendations  of  the  working  committee  and  in
               keeping with the philosophical underpinnings of the

            (h) Addition of outcomes which addressed the holistic
               development of the learner.

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