Page 2 - Emily Struggles with Obesity
P. 2

Published by Caribbean Examinations Council
         Caenwood Centre
         37 Arnold Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica
         Telephone Number: + 1 (876) 630-5200
         Facsimile Number:  + 1 (876) 967-4972
         E-mail Address:

         Text © 2022 Rayneba Corbett
         Look Out  Primary School, Montserrat
         Illustration © 2022 Michael Griffith

         The author and illustrator have asserted their rights to be identified as
         the  author  and  illustrator  of  this  work  in  accordance  with  the
         Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.

         Copyright ©2022 by Caribbean Examinations Council
         Prince Road, Pine Plantation Road, St Michael BB11091
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