Page 5 - Confidently Chubby
P. 5
Confidently Chubby
She still vivdly remembered the last day of school
when Roy, a dark-skinned, medium-built boy with
eyes as cold as river stones had tripped her and
she had rolled down a dusty flight of stairs.
“Sue!”, her thoughts were interrupted by the
impatient shout of her mother from the
bathroom door. Sue Lee’s mother was short,
extremely chubby with hair as black as coal. Sue
Lee’s friend Shania often said that Susan was as
fat as a pig. But in Sue Lee’s eyes, her mother was
just perfect.
“You’re going to be late!” Susan yelled.
Sue quickly emerged from the water and
wrapped her chubby frame with a towel way too
small for her one-hundred-pound body. She
sluggishly walked to her rectangular-shaped
mirror in the corner of the room. She sometimes
referred to this mirror as her magic mirror. When
she looked into this mirror, she saw two bright
nicely-shaped brown eyes staring back, long
black shiny silky hair, and a tall slender
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