Page 115 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 115

Public Relations and Stakeholder Relationship Management

            Stakeholder Engagement

            ACCA AND CXC® RENEW MEMORANDUM OF                   The MOU will be renewed for another three-year period. In
            UNDERSTANDING                                       addition to the areas of co-operation covered in the previous
            Students of Accounting at the secondary level, Accounting   MOU, the renewed agreement also makes provisions for
            teachers and future finance professionals across the   the development of resources and content for CXC’s online
            Caribbean will benefit from the renewal of a Memorandum of   platform/s; technical support by ACCA members to CAPE®
            Understanding (MOU) signed 23 September 2020, between   teachers and students during classroom sessions and
            the  Association  of Chartered  Certified  Accountants (ACCA)   internship opportunities for each of the top performing CAPE®
            and the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®).      students  in  the  major  markets  of  Trinidad,  Jamaica,  Guyana
                                                                and Barbados.
            In 2017, ACCA and CXC® first embarked on discussions that
            would generate mutual understanding for both bodies and in   For over 40 years, CXC® has contributed to the development
            which Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate® (CSEC®)   of the region’s human capital through its syllabuses and
            Principles of Accounts and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency   assessment that focus on the development of critical

            Examination®(CAPE®) Accounting students and their teachers,   competencies and twenty-first century skills which are
            would benefit from an agreement between both bodies. Over   fundamental for the world of work and further study. The first
            the three-year period of the MOU, ACCA and CXC® have   three years of partnership with the ACCA have supported
            carried out a number of joint initiatives. These have included:   CXC’s mandate to provide current and relevant syllabuses
            •   CAPE® Accounting teachers’ workshops on select topics   and implementation support for teachers and learners.  The
               from CXC® subject reports. These workshops were   extension of this MOU for an additional three years will
               designed to equip CAPE® Accounting teachers with the   therefore serve to have a positive impact on a new cohort of
               requisite competencies to enhance the facilitation of the   Accounting students and practitioners.
               CAPE® Accounting Syllabus;
            •   Prize winner recognition and internship opportunities for   CXC® Signs Articulation Agreement with the University of
               top performing CSEC® and CAPE® students;         the Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC)
            •   Syllabus mapping against the Foundation level and ACCA   The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) and the
               qualification in order to identify areas in which the syllabus   University of the Commonwealth Caribbean (UCC) signed an
               may be more robust;                              articulation agreement that will allow successful candidates of
            •   Support of  the CXC® annual Regional  Top Awards   the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination® (CAPE®)
               Ceremony; and                                    and of the CXC® Associate Degree (CXC®-AD) from any of the
            •   Advertising and marketing support of various CXC® online   16 participating territories across the region, to receive credits
               media.                                           toward obtaining a bachelor’s degree from UCC in as little as
                                                                two years.

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